Maybe I'll say have been so lucky or it's just the grace of God that has been keeping me from experiencing the real deal of what I'm about to share. Most times I only hear about it, but have not really experienced it and I pray I won't. Lets just say I saw a little of what the real deal looks like. What happened made me almost reached a state where I I'll start urinating on my body lol, even though I wasn't directly affected but thank God it was victory at last.

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There as a time I had to travel to Abuja, (federal capital territory) to pay my dad a visit, He was working there as at then, while the rest of the family stays in Ilorin. During the time for long vacation, I reached out to him that I would like to spend our long period of holiday with him and luckily for me my request was granted. Fortunately when I got there, I don't feel like leaving again so I insisted on staying and also to continue my education there, then I was in Basic five, that's many years ago now.

To cut the long story short, I came back from school one faithful day, My dad was not around as usual, he's at work, so after like 20 minutes... one of our neighbors rushed into the compound and said thieves were robbing in the next street, for some minutes I thought I was not hearing well, because I can't imagine how a thief would come to rob a house in broad day light around 3pm, but surprisingly it's reality.

I don't know what to do as I was the only one in our apartment, but we have neighbors in the other flat. Luckily our compound was fenced, so we quickly locked the gate but, how can that even safe us, if they should come to our house, we will open that same gate we shut with ease lols, nobody wants to die.

Before we knew what's going on everywhere was silent as if they declared some minutes of silence. My heart was beating fast already despite the fact that the gate has been locked. I went straight inside my room, and I was like should I hide under the bed or inside the toilet lols, I don't even know what to do but I was praying to God so they won't come to our house, because we do not know where exactly they want to operate, it was only after they left we were hearing the details.
I wonder what would become of those that were actually robbed if I could be terrified that much despite not being affected.

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In my entire life, have not seen where armed robbers attacked a house in the day time, I thought they only did that with banks, because have seen that quite a number of times. But a house? it's strange, the house that got robbed was the house of one of the big men in our area then, I think they got an information that he brought a huge amount of money to the house.
The sad thing was that those robbers went away with that crime. But I know if they're still in that dirty business, they will be caught one day, "everyday is for the thief, one day is for the owner."


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