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Family time: Should phones be banned during this times or not?

Family over everything, personally I cherish and admire my family more than any other person, yeah just like that say, family first. I don't for once joke with them, because when there's no one, it's family and when there are people around, family is still there every moment. It's good to have a good family though, some are not happy with theirs.
However, while having a time with our family, is it good to pay more attention to phones or make use of them?, should phones be banned during those times?
Join me as I'll be sharing my opinion about the great topic.

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Believe me, alot of things has changed about the world, you can't compare how things were 30 years ago to how things are now, a lot has really changed. Many of us are so addicted to our phones that we take it almost everywhere. Some even use their phone in the bathroom and in he toilet, that's how far they're so glued with their phones.
Someone like me, I also make use of my phone almost every time, mainly because of the kind of work I do, always thinking about hive blockchain 24/7

Nevertheless, I believe there's time for everything, there's time to make use of our phones, there's time to interact with people physically as well. All this things work had in hand.
If you ask me, I'll say it works together though, because there are some times you do not need to use your phone at all while having a very serious conversation with family, those times are not time for taking pictures or merriment at all.
There's nothing that concerns phone while addressing a serious matter, it's a time everyone should concentrate and give opinions about how to go about solving the problem. Anyone pressing his or her phones probably to take pictures or something similar can be regarded as one who does not want the progress of what's being discussed or the issue on ground.

Take for instance there was a time we had a very important issue to sort in the family, it was a very big deal that needed everyone to contribute to how we can solve it. At that point, no one even remember there was a phone somewhere, what matters most at that point was how we will get past the issue.
Just like a saying in my culture that goes thus; when you see siblings go into a room to talk and they frown while coming out, just know that they had discussed a very serious matter and if you see them smile or laugh on their way out, just know that they had discussed less serious matter.

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Anyways there are times that phones will be needed greatly, maybe when there's a get together party or something, then phone will be needed to take pictures and make some videos, keeping records of those lovely moment is important.
I grew up in a family of seven, my parent and four other siblings, but myself and our first born do not stay in Ilorin where others are living, so during Christmas time two years ago, we all came together to have a small reunion. We got a very good restaurant for the mini event and then chilled as much as we could, every moment spent was amazing. At the end of everything, we took some pictures and also make videos when necessary. Till date I still check those pictures and whenever I do, I remember the lovely time we spent together that year.
So making use of phones or not during family time depends on what's on ground, the purpose of the gathering or the kind of gathering.