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Powerful Pieces of Paper

Education is crucial in life. It's pretty much a standard worldwide for children to attend school as early as kindergarten up to high school. Of course, there are cases where there are unfortunate people that are unable to go but I will not mention them in this post. Anyways once they finish their education at high school, it's up to them whether they want to go further in their education.

If you didn't know me already, I'm quite transparent and I love to be genuine so this is me sharing my diploma cert from high school and my degree cert from university. My posts are always honest and unique to me because they are all true things about myself. I have no reason to lie about my life.

Personally, growing up I didn't really enjoy school. Despite this, I still got decent grades and graduated from Folsom High School in 2014. After high school, I really had no interest in continuing for a degree. My mom had to kind of push me to go to community college and as a good son I just did it because she wanted me to. For those that don't know, community college is kind of like before college. They let you take the general courses there which is cheaper and after getting this done you could pretty much transfer to almost any college in the network. Back to the topic, my interest wasn't there so in the end I ended up quitting community college after the second semester. I worked for almost three years at a grocery store and some questions finally dawned on me. "Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life", "Will I just become a store supervisor like Mark in 10 years. After thinking through the answer to these questions, it made me realize that this is not the future I wanted.

In 2017, I decided to continue to get a Bachelor's Degree. I wanted a fresh start which led me to Malaysia. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do as career so I took a degree in business since it can pretty much be applied to all businesses in life. I studied at Victoria University at Sunway campus so it was an Australian degree but I was able to study based in Malaysia. I was able to finish this Bachelor's degree in business management and innvoation in 2020 just right before covid started popping off. This is the level of education I am at currently.

After finishing my bachelor's degree, I really had no interest in studying a masters. I don't think studying was for me but at least it put my parents at ease after getting it. If I had the opportunity to continue for higher education, I don't think I would do it at least at this moment of time. I don't really need a master's for what I plan to do in my future.

I truly believe this depends on the person and their future career whether to continue for a master's degree and PHD. In my opinion, these pieces of paper (diploma / degree / PHD cert etc) are great and powerful but it doesn't determine our success in life. It only provides us a starting point or a better advantage in career opportunities in life. Of course for the super specialized jobs, this is super important I would definitely want a doctor to have the proper education to give me medical advice.

Ultimately it is up to us to continuously grow, learn and improve ourselves through experiences to achieve that so called success. To strive and to never give up. Follow the passion, follow the dream. Don't let dreams be dreams. Turn it into your reality as long as it's realistic to do so of course. We all have the potential to be great. Don't waste it. I hope I was able to inspire somebody today.