Get rid of gaming addiction in a way addictive game?

If you are deeply addicted to playing games, then you have to gradually reduce your gaming activity. But you have to understand some things. Because almost all of us play online / offline games But when are you addicted -

  • If you spend most of the day playing games. Do not do your daily activities properly.

  • In leisure time you just fall behind the game Also the trend of excessive mobile usage and internet usage.

  • If you wake up at night and in the morning you start gaming. Because many gamers gamble up long nights.

Even if you suddenly quit playing the game, you may have a mental problem, because you can get involved in such an addiction again. In this case, you need to set aside time for gaming. See if you gaming up to a set time then no problem You can do this only when you have no urgent work to do.

You can start reading magazines, journals, or various periodicals. However, visit the website online. You can read general knowledge-based magazines.

Get rid of gaming addiction in a way addictive game.gif

Gaming is usually done when a person is lonely. In this case, you stay in touch with your friend or close relative. Also, try to stay with family members. It will also help you. If you have any problems with this, you can visit special areas of your area. You can photograph beautiful places. Once you have collected the photo collection, you can take a look at them at any time.

If you want to get out of something, you have to have the opposite idea about it first. Because people can get away with it only if they diagnose the bad side of something beforehand.

So something excessive is hindering my studies or daily work but I have to get rid of it and who needs my studies.

You must have a goal. Definitely want to be or want to be something. And keep that in mind and start working. Then your bad habits will go away.


Do what feels good. Keep in mind that what is bad is bad.

This issue has emerged as an important mental health problem not only in Bangladesh but all over the world. For this reason, after a long survey and research, the World Health Organization adopted it as a 'gaming addiction' in the 11th revised version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) in June 2016. Following this, it has been included in the ICD-11 Diagnosis Guidebook to be published in 2022.

In other words, the World Health Organization has identified the harmful use of these online games, mobile phones, computers, or video games as a disease. Earlier in 2013, the American Psychiatric Association published a guideline on psychiatric diagnosis (DSM-5-) referring to the subject as 'Internet Gaming Disorder' and recommending that the disease be identified on the basis of research.

It's a behavioral addiction

Although game addiction is a bit different from internet addiction. Some people are seen playing extra games on the internet, some are addicted to pornography, some are busy with various software or these and some are spending most of the day on various social media including Facebook. In general, everything is a nonchemical addiction. A meta-analysis of 18 research papers published on the subject around the world found that 4.6 percent of adolescents and young people are addicted to Internet gaming.

According to the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Bangladesh (BTRC), in April 2019, about 93.7 million people in Bangladesh were Internet subscribers, of which 86.9 million were connected to the Internet through mobile phones. According to the data from 2016, 35% of the internet users in Bangladesh are secondary or higher secondary level students i.e. adolescents. But these are the biggest risks of gaming addiction.

Not a forbidden thing, but harmful

Internet or gameplay is not a taboo subject. But its harmful, irrational, and excessive use affects thinking and behavior. Addiction can be addictive when it comes to using the Internet or playing games, which can have a detrimental effect on one's thinking and behavior, reduce one's social skills, or impair one's quality of life.

The way addiction tends to increase

To keep the child calm, the busy parents handed over various equipment including mobile phones to them. They themselves are busy on their mobile phone. Many times parents want to see their child in front of their eyes on the pretext of insecurity. In that case, he is relieved to have a mobile phone or laptop in his hand, which has made children and teenagers addicted to the internet. Even if the parents themselves are engrossed in social media on the internet all day long, the tendency of addiction in the child increases.


When to say dependence

It can not be taken negatively just by using the internet. It remains to be seen whether it has gone to the stage of dependence. According to the World Health Organization and other exploration brigades, the symptoms of gaming dependence should last for 12 months. still, if the symptoms are severe, also if they appear for a short time, it can also be called a gaming complaint.

Some symptoms may go out of control, similar to using the Internet or playing games. That means playing more constantly, much more He'll use the internet for a while and will be so absorbed in it that numerous effects around him won't get his attention.

The day will start with the appetite to use the internet or play games, there will be violent pining for games or the internet.

The time to play games on the internet will continue to increase day by day. As he used to play two days a week, now he plays nearly every day. I used to spend 1 hour a day on the internet or games, now I spend 8 hours. Indeed if you want to, you can not stop yourself from playing games.

Internet games will be the source of all happiness in life. Without these, he'll not find happiness in anything differently.

The effects that are supposed to be done, similar to study, office, and schoolwork, everything will be disintegrated. Test results will continue to be bad. The quality of work will drop. Will be late to the office.

still, you'll suffer from anxiety and discomfort, If you can not use the internet as you want. There will be a perverse mood. Feeling worried. The geste will come aggressive. It can be seen that for some reason there's no internet connection, so he's getting restless, angry, screaming, and trashing. Family members are getting more aggressive.

  • Food input will come irregularly. Eat foods that can be eaten snappily, similar to fast food. That means do not eat with time. He'll eat at home without sitting at the table with everyone at home.

  • Will hide information to cover its own crimes. The academy will cheat or come inattentive in class. noway relax in class.

  • Spend further time in the restroom, and take your cell phone to the restroom.

  • Socialization will drop. Don't mix with anyone. Wrap yourself up.

What are the consequences of dependence?

Internet game dependence is principally the same as dependence on other medicines( yaba, heroin, marijuana, alcohol, etc.). The difference is that it's a behavioral dependence, and dependence on other medicines, chemical dependence.

Dependence on the Internet or games develops in the same part of the brain( the price center) where dependence on substances similar to yaba or marijuana occurs. So there's no chance to look at it smoothly.

The consequences of dependence are

Family life will be disintegrated. connections with family members, including parents, will continue to deteriorate. The value of social connections will continue to decline.

• Social chops will be reduced. Banning social events will keep you wrapped up. Decision-making capability will be reduced.

• particular life will be disintegrated. tone- care will be less. Will suffer from malnutrition, because won't take an acceptable quantum of food. Dependence on pornography will ruin your normal coitus life.

The quality of education and career will drop.

Mental illness can also do Some studies have shown that gaming diseases can be accompanied by internal ails similar to anxiety, depression, and severe stress. The tendency to have a gaming complaint with a bipolar mood complaint has noway been more current.


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