A Survivor's Success.

This is another day and chance to share my thoughts and story on a special topic from HL-W12E2. This is about a success story. Everyone has achieved something and deemed it his/her success story. It may seem irrelevant or small to outsiders but for you it's your greatest achievement. People see your hardwork and determination towards your success but you know and see it best.


This story is about my mom's success in surviving breast cancer. She had felt and endured the pain for years. When I say years, I don't mean one or two years. I was in junior high school when she started experiencing pains in her left breast. She went to hospital and did a lot of mammogram tests but nothing was detected. But she kept going. She isn't one to visit the hospital because of pain that would go away after a few days. So her visit to the hospital showed her determination to uncover what was bringing her pain.


After more than 5 years later, she could finally put a name to what was causing the pain. It was stage 2 breast cancer. She was devastated. She thought for sure this was her end. Because this was a "rich man's" sickness. She thought of the money to be used and the medication to take. She had to look strong for her children and family. But deep down she was scared. You could see it in her eyes, when she was alone and looking into space.

A success story isn't complete without help, push and encouragement from loved ones. Her dear friend helped her with some cash to start the journey to recovery. Her family was there for her. Everyone supported her their own little way. The doctors and nurses provided her with the push she needed to continue with the treatment. She almost stopped going for treatment, but for the sake of everyone she holds dear she soldiered on.

After a year of chemotherapy, with it's pain, discomfort and loss of hair, she was due for surgery as her left breast needed to be cut off. If this isn't hard work then what is? She was scared but looked strong. She sailed trough successfully. She's currently enjoying her life with one breast though she is undergoing radiotherapy and will do so for the next five years.

This is a survivor's success story.
Hope anyone's who's at the brink of stopping and read this success story gets the strength to complete his/her success story.
Remember to smile always. Until next time...enjoy yourself.

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