Photographing the Sea from a Height!

Photographing the Sea from a Height!

Hello Hive Learners and Friends!

Again and again, I want to share with friends all over the world about photography around my environment in Indonesia. I hope my friends are not bored with me and my posts. __

-- Without you, all this would be meaningless.

This time I want to share about some landscape photography from my trip to Sabang which is the tip of the island of Indonesia.

But before arriving in Sabang, I had time to capture some photo moments while enjoying food on the side of the Sumatran causeway. While I was enjoying my meal, suddenly my eyes fell on a beautiful moment as you can see below.

After enjoying the food and taking a short rest, I continued my journey to Sabang. Arriving in Sabang I also took some beautiful moments from the road overlooking the Indian Ocean.

Truly this natural sea view has given a beautiful sense of peace both in my sight and in my feelings. Feeling tired and tired of traveling by land and sea has paid off by enjoying and being grateful for the natural beauty here.

How not, white clouds floating in the sky, islands in the middle of the sea, boats and ships, blue sea waves and coral reefs, and many more that I cannot mention and explain one by one because I am not an expert. 😃 But I have my own way of showing you the beauty of nature here.

Let's enjoy the beauty!

All images are my own.

Always happy to share about nature around me and the things that are closest to me in the hope of giving something beautiful to all of my friends.
Stay grateful for the blessings of life today, whatever the shape and color.

Love, Seha76!

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