The Joy of that First Step {First Step with a Full Chicken}

Babies are beautiful and adorable creatures from God that generates an unexplainable inner joy when seen by either their parents, siblings, friends, families or even people not related to them at all. There is always this aura they give whenever you're around them, especially when you don't have a child yet. It makes you feel like having one already 😁. They're so cute to the extent that whenever you see them, you'll be forced to go close to them to play or carry or cajole them to collecting something from you ☺️.

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I grew up thinking and loving the fact that I was the last born until the day my mum broke the news to us that we're expecting a new baby. At first, I felt jealous knowing that someone is coming to take my position as the last born if the house, but as time goes on, I began to feel expectant and curious about how a new baby would look like. So, I began to take good care of my mum the in the little way I could just to make sure nothing happens to the child and to also have him or her in one piece.

Fast forward to the day my mum gave birth, I was so overwhelmed with the joy of seeing a day born live and direct, plus, she even belonged to us (the family). It was an amazing feeling know that I have to watch here grow. We became inseparable ever since that people even call us "The inseparable twins", lol. I literally made myself involved in every part of her growth. From her first turn, to her Frist try of sitting,to crawling,to standing and to taking her first step.


I could see the joy in my parents and siblings eyes that beautiful morning she took her first step. We all screamed for joy because it's a long awaited day. We made it a routine to always be by her bedside every morning when she attained the age where she could take her first step at any time, so, it was very easy for us to see it and I could remember that made our day that day.

My could remember my dad rearing a fowl just because of her first step, and when that day came, he didn't hesitate to kill the fowl and made us prepare it with peppered sauce. He gave her the parts he felt were the most important in the chicken, I mean, the head, the wings, the lap and most especially the legs. He wouldn't let us ahre some meats with her unti she got tired πŸ˜„πŸ˜„. Baby girl will eat the meat till she gets tired and sleep off, she'd wake up to continue where she left them.

We all didn't feel bad that we were unable to eat that meat we always longed for during festive seasons but rather we we felt fulfilled and happy seeing her take her first step and also enjoying her specially made food for the occasion. Even though my dad had told us that was how he does it for everyone of us, 'first step with a full chicken'. She's now a big girl who's in her twenties already but we still tease her with the way she was rubbing the chicken with saliva and trying to eat it with her two teeth πŸ˜….

Thank you all for visiting my blog. Have a nice day ahead πŸ€—


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