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The 15 Second Dog Chase That Scared Me


Original Image Source: Ben Griffiths- Unsplash

In our planet, resides millions of different animal species that comes in different forms and shapes, some we find dangerous while some we find loveable. Most of them lives in the wild on their natural habitat, fighting for their survival while for some, we were able to domesticate and is now living among us but even when they were domesticated, animals can still pose a threat into us like how I was chased by not one, not two, but 4 dogs unprovoked about 16 years ago.

Ever since I was a child, our family have always own dogs. Not only that they were a huge help in providing security but given that we have a small family, having them always makes our homes more livelier. They were always full of energy and whenever I come home after work, they will always be the first to welcome me with their tails wagging which always helps me to relived my tiredness so if anything, I care for dogs and have nothing against them in general.


But here in the Philippines, we have a problems with stray dogs either because their owners just left them to roam unattended or completely abandon them so they are more likely to be more aggressive on strangers and not be vaccinated. That knowledge alone makes me wary against stray dogs and whenever I saw them, I would always try to walk on the other side of the road because who knows when they will chase people that got close to them for whatever reason. But still, I was chased by dogs about 16 years ago.

Back then, I was still in high school and one of my main hobby during that time was playing MMORPG games but since I have neither a PC nor internet during that time, the only way I can play online games was by going on a Internet Caffe. One day, I came home late after spending 10 hours playing in the Internet Caffe and by the time that I was done, it was already 1:00 A.M.. Not only that the streets were very quiet but also there is not a single person that I can find as I walk. Thankfully, the moon was bright enough to light my way.

However, before I could even reach half my way to home, a group of stray dogs started barking to me so I tried to move to the other side of the road to try to avoid them and for a while I was able to walk safely until I was finally able to pass them but as soon as I pass them, the dogs started to run towards me. Scared, I tried to run as fast as I can and maybe because of adrenaline, I was able to outran them for more or less 15 seconds until I stumbled myself and fall to the road. At that time, I was so sure by myself that the dogs would be able to catch to me so I got really scared that I would be bitten by them but just as they try to chase me for no reason, they also stopped chasing for no reason. That said, I was not left unscathed as both of my knees any my right shoulder got wounded when I fall to the ground.

Being chased by a group of dogs really scared the hell out of me and remains to be a unforgettable experience but still, it does not mean that I blame the dogs for what they did. If there was to blame, it would be the irresponsible pet owners that allow the dogs to become stray. Owning any type of pet comes with many responsibilities and those who can't be responsible should not be allowed to have any pets.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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