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Silliness is something associated with children because of their limited understanding of things however, as adults, we've all found ourselves doing something very silly that someone could swear it wasn't done by an adult but a child... but you know the old saying:

All work and no play makes Jack what?....

you got it 😉😂

I'll now move on to tell you my own side of the story.

I've always loved drawing but whenever I hold a pencil or pen, nothing reasonable comes out only a confusing mixture of lines and dots. And just like a lot of wanna be's, I decided to take it to the next level.

One day I used my pen and drew on my arms and thigh for no particular reason, just me being a little silly.

Just to show you what I'm talking about 😂

After I had did that, I forgot to wipe them off. My Uncle who is a Pastor came to the house and after we all exchanged pleasantries, his eyes caught the drawing on my thigh and he thought it was a tattoo. 🙃🙃

Just as he was about to rain down any discipline on me, I immediately told him that I drew it on with my pen and he stood there wondering what came over me to do such... I'll never forget his look.

Ain't I good or what?

There was even one time after that that i took it further and drew on the skin of my younger sister who was lying down beside me and ordered her not to wipe it off till it went off on its own...
and we had a good laugh... 😂 😂

Well, the good thing about it was that it helped me to take my mind off a lot of things and relax.
It brought my mind to taking life the way a little child does; not worrying about anything, not keeping grudges about those who hurt you but letting go, not pressured about anything at all.

Have you had a similar experience? I'd like to know 🙃😉

Till next time...

All images are mine except stated otherwise

This is my response to the Hive Learners Weekly Engagement Prompt here

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