Making A Proper Balance


Balancing work and study can be really challenging especially when you have to make a firm choice between both.

In my 1st year in the University, apart from my studies I was a voluntary staff in my Feloowship. In fact, I was the Head of my department I was working in.
Before gaining admission into the University, I did a predegree programme in the school that got me acquainted with how Uni life is. After the programme, I decided not to go home yet rather stay back and equip myself with some skills. That was when I stated becoming so committed in my Fellowship.

At first, it wasn't as demanding as it later came to be because I had not started attending lectures, doing assignments, projects or even sitting for exams yet so I had all the time in the world to attend to my work in Ministry and soon I got used to the schedule.


Later on when I got the admission, things changed. There were times I couldn't meet up with studies because of my work in my fellowship and times I couldn't meet up with my work because of my studies; it was really challenging. Sometimes, it affected my health but I bounced right back few days later.

How I Balanced Up?

One thing that helped me to handle them was knowing how to prioritise- though this took me some time to learn and understand.

Knowing and defining the tasks that are urgent like lectures, assignment and the ones that are important like studying, self development, which can be done at a more relaxed period, the ones that are urgent but not important and those that are not urgent and not important.

They are arranged in four quadrants by Steven Covey which you can kindly find here

Most Importantly

Know why you do the things you do. I knew what I was in school for and no one could convince me otherwise. I knew who to associate with and therefore, I was very focused. I also had a conviction that I was working for God while I attended to my duties as the Head of the Rhapsody Department in my Fellowship and God deserves my all and my best.
When you know your why, you'll be able to apportion the quality time and attention that each needs without being overwhelmed in the process and you'll be more productive.

It will help you to stang strong and focused when the harsh winds beat against you.

Till next time lovelies 🥰

This is my response to the Hive Learners Weekly Engagement Prompt

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