
When I was growing up, I so longed to do the things I was restricted from doing.

I couldn't make my own friends, pick my own clothes because my Mum was the sole director of everything I did. 😇

I just so wanted this freedom and I dreamt of how I would use it when it came eventually.

But there was something my Mum did for me when she was restricting me as a child that I didn't realise until I was much older. She was teaching me to live by principles and to apply wisdom in everything I do; not just anything should go for me.

I understood this when I came into the University. I saw a lot of young people from beautiful homes who went so wild because they were in a place where their parents or guardian couldn't control what they did, where they went and the company they kept.

Some of them even failed out of school and their parents didn't know but they kept on sending tuition fees to them — This is so tragic!

There were just somethings I couldn't do even if I had the opportunity to do them. Those restraints my parents put on me guided me and they still are.

People crave freedom.

"The state of being without constraints. The ability to decide ones actions, irrespective of others."

They dream of making so much money so they can have the freedom to buy anything they desire to buy, go anywhere they desire to go, even go as far as disrespecting authorities and buying off the mouths of the punishers. This is seen in the way the yahoo boys /girls (Internet fraudsters) abuse their ill-gotten wealth.
They want to make their own decisions all the time despite the consequences. And when they finally get this freedom, if not controlled, they will certainly abuse it.


"You can cage a person's body but you cannot cage their minds."

How true this statement is. A person will always do what they want to do as long as they are determined to. Even if they are bound hands and feet. Thanks to how powerful the human mind is, it's just a matter of time before they find a way to break those chains.

The only way to restrain such people is through their minds.

That's why we have laws regulations, policies in every country, organisation, sector, office, family so they don't abuse their freedom..

To cap it all up,
Freedom is sweet. I like freedom. It is a privilege as much as it is a huge responsibility. Yes, you can be free to do anything you want as an adult but you are accountable to yourself and God for the outcome of your life, you are responsible for how you end up in life. Therefore, live wisely!!!

Till next time beautiful soul... ❤️❤️

This is my response to the Hive Learners Weekly Engagement Prompt, you can have fun checking it out!!

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