Playing phone while gathering can dampen discussions

Hello all my friends who are on this hive blog and especially to my friends who are members of the Hive Learners community, I hope that we are all given health in the form of a healthy mind, spiritually and physically so that we can always write things that are useful for all Hive blog users in the world This.

On this occasion I want to participate in a regular contest held by the Hive Learners community, and this theme is very interesting to discuss because it relates to our daily lives or we even do it repeatedly every day.

Regarding family gatherings without anyone holding a cellphone, this is a very extraordinary initiative in my opinion, even outside of family gatherings, something like this must be implemented, whether it is gathering with friends from the same campus or from the same department. because discussions won't happen if we only focus on our own smartphones.

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And based on my experience, I always don't hold my cellphone when I'm sitting chatting with my mother or father or gathering with my extended family.

And I really agree if there is a gathering such as a family gathering or a gathering with old friends or what is usually called a reunion. Cell phones should be prohibited or restricted during gatherings.

Sometimes I like to surprise myself when I see people everywhere using cellphones, even going to the toilet, so I really agree that things like this should be discussed so that discussions in small and large gatherings are lively. In fact, I often see people eating while playing on their cellphones.

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Because I really agree with the sentence in the contest, if we don't use or hold a cellphone when gathering with family or friends then memories will be created, and we can also learn lessons through discussions or exchanging opinions with each other.

Maybe this is just about holding or playing with a cellphone when there is a gathering of family or friends, therefore I emphasize once again not to use a cellphone when there is a gathering.

Maybe this is all I can write, hopefully it will be useful for all hive platform users and especially for members of the hive learners community. And I hope that this short article of mine can be used as reading material and reference. and see you in my next post. Thank you very much.

Regard, @salimuddin

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