Cook Turnips with Creative-Sunday

Greetings to All Bloggers

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Welcome back everyone to the #Creative-Sunday Community. As you all know this Sunday I will be sharing a turnip recipe. This recipe is widely consumed in Pakistan and is a favorite of mine. This Sunday will be spent making turnips

Editing From Inshot

Essential Ingredients for Cooking Turnips

1. Turnip

2. Spinach

3. Onion

4. Oil

5. Salt

6. Turmeric

7. Red Chillies


First we will clean and wash the turnip well. Next we will peel the turnips. Then cut them in such a way that they cook quickly. Cut it into small pieces.

After that we will cut the spinach and wash it well. Wash two or three times in water to clean it well.

After that we will take one of onions and we will cut this onion and put it in a pot. In which we have to cook turnip recipe. We will add oil to it and put it on the low fire

When the onion is slightly cooked, then we will add salt, turmeric and red chillies and fry it well and then we will add the chopped turnip.

Then we will put a plate on top of our pot and lighten the bottom. We added the turnip first because it will take a while to cook

After 10 minutes we will see that our turnip will be cooked to some extent. Then we will add spinach to it. We added spinach later because it cooks quickly. After adding the spinach we will mix well and we will keep it on low for 15 minutes.

Now our curry is fully cooked.

Now, We will make rice bread. My mother used rice flour to make rice bread. Add salt and oil to its flour and knead it. After that my mother baked round breads and we all enjoyed that Sunday eating it

  • Any related to this recipe you can ask me in my comment section, I always answer

My previous blogs that I published in the #Creative-Sunday Community

1. @sahi1/tkxigqfqwe

2. @sahi1/qsadetjwze

3. @sahi1/zdxzunaktg

4. @sahi1/kmiamqbpze

5. @sahi1/lozswzerra

6. @sahi1/weryfxipqo

Thank You for Glancing on My Work✨

All Pictures are @sahi1

Connect to Discord: @sahi1

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