Rubilu In The Actual Life


Hi guys,

It’s the start of another interesting week. For some people, this is just the beginning of their work week but then I can’t say the same. Yes, today might be a working day for me but then it also starts the end of my shift.

This might not be how I planned out the post in my head but then as am writing am sure it will align just the way I want it to. If I was ever asked by someone if I work, the answer to the question would be in two folds. One of them is, yes I do work and then the second answer will be am only doing my national service where I am right now.

So before I finished school I used to say even when I get a job crypto will still be my full-time job and then the work (9-5) work I do will be my side hustle. I still hold on tight to that notion as I’ve gotten to love everything I do around crypto. When I say crypto I don’t just mean hive. I do a lot of crypto stuff apart from just blogging and honestly, I think hive is just a small part of it. In the beginning, I used to spend a lot of time on blogging but now I hardly even blog; not that I don’t have the time but it’s just that I feel lazy these days.

So back to what I do apart from hive. For now, I am doing my national service at the airport. It’s an airport in Tamale where I live. I call it national service cause after a year I won’t be working there anymore. Enough of that. Let’s get into the details of how things are done there.

People usually confuse airline workers with airport staff. What the airport staff are there for, is that they facilitate the smooth operations of the airlines. The airlines are the people in charge of their aeroplanes, they have their workers who are different from the airport staff.

We can liken it to a bus stop. At a bus stop someone or the government owns the bus station and then people who have busses can bring them in so that people at the bus station can facilitate their easy transport.


So it’s similar here. For people who work at the airport, we are supposed to be at work as early as 6:00 am. This is because mostly we have early morning flights and check-in for those flights starts immediately after we get to work. It’s the same for the airline workers.

So coming to work as early as 6:00 am means I have to be up as early as 4:00 am so I can prepare for work. Luckily on our side, we have a bus which takes us to work so the only thing you need to do is to make sure you’re at the pickup point early so you can catch the bus.

Work usually closes when the last flight leaves. This also means when there is a delay we have to be here until that flight leaves. Even though the last flight is supposed to leave here at 17:40 we don’t usually count on that.

And no, airport staff don’t get free tickets to places they are going to. If you need to go for something you’ll need to purchase your ticket with your own money. If it’s on company duty then the company will sponsor. Passengers usually complain about how high the price of the tickets is and when you try to explain they say it’s because we get free tickets but it’s not the case.

Well, we all know how important transportation is to our economy. Yes, people could travel by bus but using the bus is slower than the plane as we all know. For context, it takes about 13-14 hours to move from Tamale to Accra by bus but it takes about an hour to travel the same distance by air. So with this, someone can even run a company which operates in Accra but he or she lives in Tamale.


If I had the chance to change where am doing service will I change it? No, I’ve always wanted to do my service at a private institution because of a few reasons. The first instance wasn’t to do it at the airport though.

I wanted to do it at an NGO because I like how things are done there. But for now, I don’t think I’ll change where I am right now. But let me say that if I can get somewhere better to work in the future I’ll gladly accept the challenge.

What do you do outside blogging of Hive? I know people who are full-time hivians and I commend them for that. Some of us will like to be more committed in hive but being a full-time hivian is way below my bucket list for now.

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