Being A Social Studies Teacher Will Be The Dream


Hello guys,

Another week has started. With this new week, I pray there are a lot of blessings in it for all of us. This week I am here once again to present my hl entry. Every week I see unique topics in the hl discord which are intriguing so I keep participating.

Growing up, most of us always went for the big professions whenever we were asked what we wanted to be. If I can remember correctly, the most dominant answers were pilot, doctor, lawyer, engineer and all sorts of white-collar jobs.

Well, I can understand where all these answers were coming from. Even those with parents as teachers never encouraged their kids to be teachers in any way.

Most of the time our parents complained of the low salary as a key factor to why they wouldn’t want their kids to be teachers. For such an important profession it seems that not a lot of people care about how they take care of their selves.

I don’t know if this happens in only Africa but I know that in my country teachers are not paid well. Each time they request something they have to go on a strike to get what they want. At times, the strike won’t even yield the results they hoped for.


We thought it happened to people like primary school and JHS teachers. But when you climb up the ladder it feels the same. Even though the lecturers are not paid the same it still feels like a cheat to me.

These days when you see people going to college to become teachers it means that most if not for all of them didn’t get admission into the university thus college was their last resort. For some, the situation at home is not good enough so they prefer going to college for the allowance given monthly; the allowance too is nothing to write home about.

Previously only brilliant people went to college to become tutors but now the brilliant people don’t wanna go because they know they won’t get enough pay at the end of the month.

Well, this article is not supposed to be about the problems teachers face so I think I should change the topic.

Everyone in my house knows that I love maths. That was what I could spend hours and hours on, trying to figure out a formula. But no, if I was gonna be a teacher it won’t be a math teacher. I know I like it so much and it would most probably be easy to teach. But then someone can change your decision on the way and this man was my social studies teacher in JHS.

Social studies have never been difficult at the primary and JHS level; except for the map part, I think lol. But the ease and finesse with, which my JHS social teacher taught the subject, made me fall in love with it instantly. Whenever he was in class he proved that he studied what he was gonna teach.


He made sure to answer if not all but most of the questions that were asked in class. To top it off he made social soo easy cause he taught it using real-life examples. He made a joke out of every situation thus we all loved him. We loved to have him in class and we so wished he never left each time he was in class.

His style of approach to teaching was something to admire. He made it fun and if ever I wanted to be a teacher I will want to be a fun and loving teacher. A teacher who is not feared but loved by my students. I will like it if my students could come to me whenever they had a problem. For me, a teacher who could get us to do that was our social master and it will be great to teach what he taught to make us love him soo much.

So yeah, being a social studies teacher wouldn’t be bad.

Thanks for reading.

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