This is Muhammad Fawad Ansari

Every person in this world has a name. Well, not only person, we have given names to each and everything in this world. It is for the identification and classification. Our brain store the image of that person with that name. Whenever we hear that name, the image of that person appears. It is amazing to hear names of people from different parts of the world. Different cultures, religions and many others things play an important role in the meaning of their names. It is funny to hear some names as their meaning in our language could be different and same goes to our names, some are very difficult to pronounce. I have been to different parts of the world and I have heard quite strange names as well, which do not have any meaning as well. Through the name of a person, we can in most cases identify the gender, religion, cast and many more things.

Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

My Hive name is RoseCane, this name is given to me by my brother as he made my Hive account way back. In the beginning, I felt little hesitated because I think it’s a girl type of name but later on, I get used to it. In fact, I like this name now. I am not sure why and how this name came in my brother’s mind. I asked him several times and he said it came out randomly. I am known by this name in many communities. Most importantly in Neoxian City, where everyone knows me as RoseCane. I have been given a picture of mine as well by Mr. D, according to my name. I like it too.

Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

My real name according to my National Identity card is Muhammad Fawad Ansari. Muhammad and Fawad are my given names. Muhammad is one of the most common names for Muslims. Majority of the names of male gender in Pakistan starts with Muhammad. I wont go deep behind the reason. Going forward, Fawad is my middle name and people call me by this name. it is an Arabic word which means HEART. It’s the same in Persian and Urdu. It’s a beautiful name and I do like my name a lot. I am fully satisfied with my name. Never thought of changing it. Ansari is my surname or you can say family name. It has roots and connection with the Ansar community, which means helpers / supporters. I like my surname a lot too because of the history behind this name. My name was given to me by my Grandfather. My parents told me that he likes this name that is why he gave it to me.

Image by Edward Pye from Pixabay

When I was in Nepal, people used to call me Farhad. They took this name from Shirin Farhad love story. As I said earlier, people do change your name in pronunciation or what they find easy to remember. So, I asked them to call me Ansari instead. When I was in Egypt, people used to call me Muhammad. They prefer the first name.

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Picture of my Birthday Cake from 2008

I heard many saying that name has impact on your personality and on your way of living. I am not sure about it, it could be or it could be not, never took this topic seriously. Names do play important role in remembering the person. there are similar names but whenever you hear the name of your loved ones, you think of that specific person only. On a funny note, there are few names which doesn’t suits on a child, it appears to be the name of an old age person. its because we have made something in our mind for that name specially if we are watching some actor or on television celebrity, and the same name is given to a newly born child in our families, it looks odd. We start referring him/her to that celebrity. We have one good and handsome actor of my name in Pakistan but I am no way near that person lol we have couple of Cricketers and politicians, having my name and it is always good to see my name on television or people shouting my name in the ground or cinemas or in parliament lol. I am happy with my name and I never want it to be changed. Smiles!!

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