Hi, friend !
How are you today? I hope you are all in good health. On this occasion I would like to share a little about my experience learning macro photography. I learned from my best friend @mirz, I think he is one of the great people in the world of macro photography. Just visit his blog for sure you will be amazed. I was only able to study recently because I was busy with work.

So a few days ago while I was off I went to @mirz asking him to teach me how to take good pictures with the right lens and focus. I often use the default lens and automatic settings, so I am unfamiliar with support lenses, especially with this macro lens.

So we went to the forest area around where my friend lives to look for photo objects and at the same time learn to capture objects with the correct focus. I use a Nikon D5300 camera, but only with the camera's built-in kit lens. So I took the initiative to use an additional lens, but the additional lens I use is a special lens for smartphones, not for DSLRs. With the capital of my mind, I immediately focus on the objects around me, and look at the results I get below:


CameraNikon D5300
Lens35 mm
ProcessMobile Lightroom
LocationLhokseumawe, Indonesia

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