Sunflower is the most beautiful flower


One of the most beautiful flowers. Sunflowers at the School of Economics and Trade from the side of Dluga Ogrody. I dream of a revitalized street full of flowers, where the name would fit the surroundings. Currently, apart from sunflowers at the school, you can see roses on the lawn at the Zulawska Gate, and the center of the street consists of parking lots and a lot of uninteresting contemporary buildings adjacent to a popular grocery store.


Cudders are debating at the pond in Sukhanin whether it will rain from these clouds or not. But today it was rainy and thundered around 19:00. There was a quick integration under the canopy of nearby passers-by, it was fun, though a bit scary, because I'm afraid of a storm when I'm outside.



Skimboarding - what is it? It's a sport where you throw your board flat in shallow water, chase it, jump on it and do tricks. A photo from today's on the beach before some competition.

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