The world of cell phone technology and our relationship as human beings



Hello community, it is with great pleasure that I return to my posts after some time away and there is nothing better than a topic like this that makes us reflect.
Nowadays we are flooded with technological developments, practically everything is just a small step away, like a click or typing something on the internet.
Even though I'm young, I remember with nostalgia the times of my childhood, when there was no cell phone in my house and the only phone there was one connected to a long cord that was only used in cases of great need.
I remember so well that everything was much better, bonds of personal friendship were created, nowadays everything or almost everything is digital, nowadays if we stop to think we see how many friends we have that we never met, with whom we only talk sometimes on Facebook or another social network. Over time, technology invaded our world and created an addiction to the digital age, we left personal relationships behind and created virtual relationships.
In my house, my children are completely in the digital age, nowadays they have a cell phone, they have a computer, they have video games that they even play with their friends on their cell phone or another device, nowadays everything is done remotely.
I often try to make it a rule that at meals we should cultivate the habit of interacting, of talking about our daily lives, of finding out how school was, how work was, but I often look around and see my children clinging to a cell phone during meals, and that's why I miss the time of my childhood when nothing like that existed.
How many times do we look when we enter a cafe or other public place at people alone with just their cell phone screen in front of them, often surrounded by friends and each in their own world instead of interacting.


But memories are good memories, nowadays for me they should be in moderation, we have to try to have a balance between interpersonal interactions and technology, so I am quite willing to continue in my home and with my family with the general rule of that meals should be a family moment of personal contact, which is why I try my best to ensure that there are no cell phones at the table, although sometimes it is difficult, as my children were born during this time and are almost dependent on their cell phones like an addiction, which makes them cling to a virtual world.
Knowing how to live in this era is necessary so that on the one hand we are not tied to time and its evolution, so that we can accompany our children and help them in this era that is theirs and also ours, but we must try to balance the moments in that we should only interact as human beings and create interpersonal bonds that are so lacking in the world we currently live in.
Well, the world is constantly evolving, we must be prepared for the technological evolution of our lives, but some of the values of personal interaction have been lost and are being lost and I doubt they will ever return, I just need to remember those times of my childhood without cell phones in the memory.

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