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Know when to manage

In the past, I used to think that, it is very bad for a person to manage, but it's not really so, we need to manage when it's necessary, just as my friend sometimes say it on phone, each times we talked about life and things we want to do each day by day, his word are, "we can eat anything we like when it's sunny for us and when we have wet time's, we need to be selective, because we wouldn't need to exhaust all our funds in a day and stay empty other days.

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The worst feeling a man may have is thinking about his emptiness, whenever he told me this statement, I used to laugh because the pressure he exact in saying it, is always high, morever, it is something that is going to make anybody to laugh, from what I know of him, he likes it, when a person pay active attention to his statement and grabbed something from his speech.

Few days also, I met something of such manner which relates to this assertion, it was about a woman, she is a groundnut seller, she was with her two children's, one was crying and he was up to four years old, while other one, was just a kid, the one that cried wanted the mother to buy him the ice cream that was passing across the road, but the mother resist and rather told him, she has not sell enough market, so she wouldn't buy the ice cream for him, the boy was about to cry, and the mother didn't want that to happen because the sun was too much.

And, if he did cry, the younger one wouldn't just kept quiet when he saw his brother crying, he would want to do the same, so the woman called the person who was selling the ice cream, she bought it and asked the ice cream man to divide it into two, she gave half to the son and take the other part for herself and the younger brother.

But the boy brought a loud cry, he insists he wanted all for himself, the mother didn't listened to him at this time, she left him to cry and gave half of the ice cream to the brother after she lick for a while, I watched him crying and it broke my heart, I want to buy the ice cream for the boy but the mother told me, "I shouldn't buy for him, because she wants him to learnt that people can manage when they do not have more money.

I reason about it and I realized the mother was right, raising a child in a way that do not make the child to knows how to manage when it's necessary can later be a thing we regret, managing help us to understand something and that's, knowing how to used the available little things we have.

I, myself didn't believed in a thing like managing, even while my parents tried to make me understand it, instead of me to see that, as an individual, we don't gets all we want sometimes, but we make it the way we want, I used to think that, my parents were disciplinarian, meanwhile, they do so, so that I may be able to adapt in a position I find myself, as I am growing up.

I learnt about managing from peers, and let me not used "peers, because, not everyone of my friends can accept to this, I learnt it from my friend, Victor, our friendship is one that's built to look after each other and make the necessary corrections when a person failed to understand what's necessary.

Have you ever manage something and if do, what was it?