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Hey there guys,

Welcome back to my blog, I always get the YTbers vibes from this phrase . This week on the #hivelearners weekly featured contents,
This is the question being asked and I just couldn’t resist it.

We all are bloggers, we do it regularly enough for us to bear the title. So tell us how the experience is for you so far. Do you blog with your phone, or a PC? Do you write your words down first or you type them directly? And how have you found blogging to be so far? Please tell us, we might learn from you.

When I started officially blogging courtesy my joining hive, I found it a tough work at first, mainly because it had been too long I wrote anything past twenty to Thirty words at a go, now I am required to write anywhere from five hundred words and above, it was really tasking.

The first few days I joined Hive, my brain worked overtime, and my anxiety levels increased, thinking about it now I am sure it was from the over heating of my Brain.
Let’s be honest, thinking of topics, coming up with a story line, nuturing and then putting down the words that forms the body of the topic isn’t an easy task, but like they say, consistency makes a pro.

I found out that as the days ran into weeks, writing articles for my blog wasn’t so hard anymore, the topics came to me easily, the words and English flowed from my finger tips and head gracefully, and I delivered good pieces day after day.

I blog from my phone, I figured it is handy and faster for me, when I started my husband almost persuaded me into blogging with my laptop, he gave elaborate reasons why it would be easier and less of a chore for me, I understood his points quite alright, but for me, I wanted something handy, I thought of the times where I could be outside or just sitted and bored and would need to write, what then do I do?, especially as I can’t carry my laptop everywhere and anywhere.

I remember one time I went to the mall and after buying what I needed, I head to the counter to pay and I met a very long queue, I guess I was number fifty something if we had to make a head count of customers on the queue that day. As the queue progressed slowly I whipped out my phone and started typing and writing a topic I wished to publish, before it got to my turn I was almost done writing.


So for me m, blogging with my phone is way way easier , faster and more convenient for me. I check on my blog and published post faster than booting and working with a laptop. I also always write my gist or articles down first in my folder, that way I have a copy of my own, Incase I mistakenly loose or forget to save my work if I choose to write directly on my blog(trust me it has happened to me before)

So far as a blogger, I have felt extremely heard and seen. It’s one thing to be someone with an open mind that has lots of opinions, it’s another thing to have a platform to share those opinions for a larger audience. I not only enjoy the freedom I have to share my thoughts and experiences with everyone on hive but also I get to see people that can relate to the things I think and experience too. I learn new ideas and hear other people’s opinions and share in people’s experiences too and thought process. It is such an amazing experience to be a blogger.

I am forever grateful for hive, it has become a major part of my life routine, not sure I go a day without opening my blog or writing a post. It’s an unending journey of true fellowship with others via words and experiences.

One thing I have learnt as a blogger is, consistency does the magic, as long as you put in the work, deliver great quality contents, you would find yourself thriving and excelling, especially on hive.
Effort must always show, wether it be the effort you put into delivering quality articles or the effort you put in to show up everyday and engage, it would always pay off.

Thank you for reading this post