Going to the hardware store for work needs.

Hi friend's,
I am @rasel72. From #Bangladesh.

How is everyone? I hope you are all well. I'm fine too. I came to you with another post of mine. People go to different places for their needs. I went to the hardware store to buy some things. That is what I will share with you. Hope you like it. Let's get started-

We go to the market to buy different kinds of things for our personal needs. We go home again after buying things we need. I do most of the work in our house. I have to do all kinds of work, from seeing people to working with them, to buying things from the market. Because, my dad can't do much, he's sick. So all I have to do is do it.


We have been working in our house for some days now. The kitchen and the cowshed are being repaired. There were many things to buy for the house. So I took a van to a hardware store in a market near our village yesterday. Because, you have to buy everything in the house. Dad gave me all the money and I bought everything from the market. First I went to the hardware store. I went there and made a list of everything I needed.





Then I bought a tin of rice and other necessities. Then I put things in a van or car to bring home. All kinds of hardware products are available in this store. The name of the shop is Hadi Store. Then I came home with the things. Then I put the things in the room, they will be worked on the next day.

I shared some of my own work descriptions with you. I hope you all like it. Everyone will be fine and healthy. See you again in any of my new writings.

Many thanks to everyone for reading my post today.

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