Gray long-bearded mustache




Gray long-bearded mustache one of the most long-awaited meetings) I wanted to meet some mustache for a long time. And I managed to meet a mustache with a very long mustache. It is a beetle that belongs to the family of mustaches, numbering about 26,000 species. Body length up to 2 cm, and the length of the mustache of males exceeds the body length by 3-5 times, females by 2-2.5 times. In the photo the female. The color is gray-brown to the color of the bark of the pines on which they live. On the pronotum 4 characteristic yellow spots.

Development lasts 1-2 years. Adult beetles appear from March to September. The female lays 30-50 eggs and places them on dead or dying trees, preferring pines, less often other coniferous and deciduous trees (about 25 species). The larva develops in the bark, under the bark or in the wood, after 4 months the larva reaches a length of up to 4 cm and turns into a yellowish pupa up to 2 cm long. The pupae of females are slightly larger than males. Newborn adults overwinter in a tree trunk, and the following spring gnaw through the exit and fly out. Plays an important environmental role, accelerating the transformation of wood into forest humus.

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