So Many Things Happening In The Online World.

I’m a very careful person and I always learn from people’s experiences. If something ever happens to me, even though I don’t really believe, I’d still try to put it in my head and make sure that such thing does not happen to me.
Technology is like a blessing to the world. There are so many things I can do at home and wouldn’t even need to step out of my house.
Unfortunately, everything that’s good has its bad side and the bad side of technology is scammers, cybercrimes and hackers. So while making use of technology, we should always remember that there are cyber criminals out there so we need to be careful and be at alert.

I’m not always surprised when I see that a very smart person got scammed or got his account hacked. Someone may be smart but all these cyber criminals have a way of outsmarting you and will make you feel dumb.
I’ve been scammed so many times online because I always join new money making groups everyday. Some of them tell us to pay some amount of money before we can register on those platforms. We don’t know them but with faith, we could make money.
I feel that’s one of the reasons I lacked so many things back then in school. Instead of me to spend the money that was meant for feeding for its purpose, I’d rather spend it online so I’d make more money but my efforts were futile.
I even lost more than how much money I made. I engaged in Telegram airdrops and other online activities as long as money is involved.


One day, someone sent a link to one of those groups. He said if we click on the link, we’d get a particular amount of MATIC coin.
Immediately I clicked on the link, it requested that it needs to access all my data but I didn’t digest the information before clicking yes. It began to show 1% and I had to ask myself what that meant again.
This made me remember when my dad always send various informations to me that we should be careful of the links we clicked online. We have to be mindful of those links and be sure about them before we click on them. By the time I remembered, it had full access to all my data and I received a #20,000 debit alert on my phone.
Luckily for me, I don’t use ATM cards so even if they want to take my money, they can’t take more than #20,000 from any account without an ATM card.

My life savings was in that account and it was not more than $50.
I was pained because I fell for that scam. I’m a very smart person but I never thought that could happen to me.
Ever since then, you can’t see me click on any link anyhow. If someone doesn’t do it to my face or if the link is not coming from someone I know very well, I’m never going to engage in it.

What did it teach me about cyber security?

I learned that scammers are everywhere so we have to be very careful. We need to always be sure of the links we click on before we give it a go ahead.


This does not have to do with links alone but the online world is risky so we should be careful about whatever step we take.
We can be trailed from our online lifestyle down to what we do offline so everyone needs to be at alert and be aware of what’s going on.

In a nutshell, be sharp!!!

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