Let’s Stay In Between.

I’d love to tell you all a short story. There was a time when I was always taking Pepsi everyday of my life. I was in high school then and I’ve been a fan of Wizkid since day one so when I heard that Pepsi signed Wizkid as their ambassador, I just started taking Pepsi and I made sure that I took at least one in a day.
Also, I was not even taking any other soda drink. My focus was on only Pepsi. This affected me a lot that I was always bleeding after passing a stool. Aside from Pepsi, I have been a spoilt kid by my dad since day one.
He used to buy me a very junk that I can ever imagine in this world and till date, I’m still a sugar intake fan e be n though I have been able to fight this to a minimal level.


What am I trying to bring out here? Sugar is good for us since it gives us energy. I think sugar also works exactly as glucose in the body. Now, if our sugar level is low, we will feel weak. I think a lot of people know this already but unfortunately, a lot of us are addicted to it and are even taking more than what we are supposed to.
Also, I feel the people who will never learn their lessons are those who have not had any negative effects of taking too much sugar.
It is very important to know that we have to fight the level of our sugar intake. It needs to be moderate because too much sugar may lead to hemorrhoid, diabetes, digestive issues and so on and the best way to prevent this is by taking low sugar.

What do I do to reduce my sugar intake?

These days, I’ve been very observant. I was always making sure that I take note of all the things that I eat.
I used to take up to five or four bottles of Pepsi before but I started reducing it to the maximum of three and right now, I could go a day without taking Pepsi.
Also, the recession going on in Nigeria really healed me a lot. It will be crazy to spend over two thousand Naira on Pepsi daily so it always helped me curb my habit of taking Pepsi. This does not mean that Pepsi is the only sugary thing I’m taking but I mean that it is the only thing that consumes high sugar that I take.

If there is no sugar in drinks, will I still take them?

Honestly, this will be very tough. If I want to drink the slightest thing, I’d make sure that I add sugar so staying totally away from sugar especially in drinks is just like a very heavy task to me.
I’m surely not going to take it. Since I’m being careful with sugar now, the highest thing I can do is taking a very little quantity of sugar which will at least add some sweetness to what I’m drinking.


Sugar is good because it gives us strength.
Sugar can be bad because it causes high blood pressure, diabetes, pile and others.
Why not choose to stay in between? Donut moderately!

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