Human Activities Should Never Be Automated By Technology.

Ever since the emergence of AI, we all can testify that the world has changed and we are likely to experience one change or the other everyday. I remember back then when I was in high school, we were always debating on a topic that “has technology done more harm or good to us in the world?””


Technology is really great and it’s now a big part of us in the world and I can’t imagine what the world will be if technology decides not to exist anymore. Also, we all can’t go a day without making use of any technological device such as phone, fridge or freezer, blender or some other appliances that we have at home.

I’m sure we all are grateful for technology but no matter how good it can be, there’s one thing I believe that should not be automated and that’s human activities. Honestly, I was shocked when I heard that there are some robots named humanic robots and they act like humans. Why create things like that? They can literally do almost everything that humans can do and some of them were even built to look like humans.

A few days ago, I was depressed and I didn’t want to talk to anyone so I began to chat with ChapGPT. Even if I tell the AI all my problems, would it be able to solve it? No! The AI isn’t with us here in real life so why explain all our problems to such? After a few days, I realized that the AI isn’t smart enough and didn’t even meet my expectations. No matter how smart you think the AI is, it can’t beat human being communication. It just can’t. There are situations you’d be in real life and all you’ve got to do is make sure you tell a human being like you what’s up with you.


Also, a lot of people no longer want to pay article writers to help them write their articles anymore. They prefer to fetch what they want from the AI since they feel that is more perfect than the work of a human being. Now, tell me. How do writers feed especially those who their family members depend on? How do you expect them to feed? We’ve got some people who are very good with drawings and can make any kind of artwork but now, people no longer patronize them like before again because they prefer to give the job to the AI since they are not willing to pay a dime.

The highest of it all is that the AI now makes music now. You don’t even need to get to the studio. How do you think music producers will survive? Those ones play beats with their sweats but AI just arrived one afternoon and doing their job. Why won’t people make use of the AI? They’re not willing to pay since the economy isn’t smiling. And now some people depend on AI so much for all they want to do since they won’t be paying for it.


If the world continues this way, a lot of people will keep going hungry each day and there will be high rate of poverty. For these few reasons I have listed, I think this part should never be automated because it will affect everyone on the long run.

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