Choose Useful Informations And Make Proper Use Of Them.

The world is full of different things that happen everyday or let me say the world is dynamic and that is why we tend to see different new things everyday. This is why it is very important for people to be aware about whatever is happening around them even if they do not really want to know much about what is happening in the world.
I have heard a lot of people say they do not care about the country that they live in, but I feel that is not nice enough because if anything happens to that country where they live, it is surely going to affect them in one way or the other, even though the effects may not be that much.


For citizens of a country, it is very important to be informed or aware about everything going on in your country. At the same time, we are not robots and we may not get to know everything happening in our country, but we should know almost everything because it serves as a purpose for us or to be able to benefit from such information.

Do I believe citizens have the right to know everything happening in the country?

As long as I am a citizen of a particular country, I have the right to so many things, but that does not mean I should misbehave. I have the right to kno everything that is happening in my country.
I have the right to be aware and informed. I have noticed that there are so many things that happen here in Nigeria and people do not know about them because the majority of us are not informed.


Let me give an instance; there is a government job offer going here in Nigeria. I was able to know about this job offer because I know someone who works for the government and they have slots that they would love to give to their people which means that they do not really want to disclose this information.
Also, a lot of people are usually misinformed ut they feel they know everything happening in the country.

There is no way you would want to know everything happening in a country without hearing bad news and I am sorry to say that you may even hear more bad news than good news. I feel it is better for you to choose an aspect you would love to focus on. For me, I do not really like to listen or hear news about kidnapping, killings and all sorts of behaviors because it has a way of affecting me.

Why do I choose to know only a few informations dor peace to reign?

I am a very emotional person, and I tend to get affected a lot whenever I hear some news. There are some things I see online which makes me cry and has a way of ruining my day so I feel it is better to be very choosy about the kind of information I would love to know about.


We need to be aware but not in all cases. Choose the useful informations and make use of them. Leave the rest for the affected people because you can’t know everything.

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