My Hive Goals and Strategy : Newbies Innitiative task -01


Hello hive friends . Take my love .I'm @rafatrony. This is my post on Newbies Innitiative task 1. First of all, I want to thank all the people who are directly or indirectly connected with this program. I also thank for choosing me for this great initiative.

I joined hive 8 August, 2022. At the time of joining I didn't have much idea how this ecosystem works on. Gradually I learned many things but still there is a huge gap. We the newbies feeling the necessity of a
organized guideline. Coincidently at that moment I saw this Newbies Initiative program and without any delay I registered for it.


Benefits of setting Goal

Just think, you leave home to go somewhere but how long will you walk if you don't know the destination. There are many types of food on the table, if you know what to eat then you will be satisfied and happy eating those foods on the plate. And if you don't know, you will take a lot of food on the plate, some of which you may find distasteful, you will be unsatisfied, get bored and throw away the food.

Set goals to be successful in life, to be happy. Chasing something without a goal is a waste of time, money and energy. Setting goals allows you to focus on what you want to achieve and measure your progress. Suppose you set a target to reach Panchagarh from Dhaka within eight hours. When you leave for Panchagarh and reach Bogra in two hours, you will realize that you have six more hours to reach your destination.

Most importantly, setting a goal will keep us focused on achieving it. If we leave home without deciding where we are going, at first we may think to go to the market, after a short walk we may think to go to the playground, after a short walk we may think to go to meet a friend. But if we had set a goal in the first place to go to the playground and play for an hour to exercise, we would not have had to change our mind so many times.

Another interesting thing is that when we set a goal, the goal itself will encourage and motivate us to reach your destination. As if we have fixed the target we will be first in the semester exam. By setting this goal, we will work it into ourself that we have to attend classes on time, submit assignments on time, maintain communication with teachers, and focus on your studies.

My Goals
I think we almost have the same goal on hive like increasing hive power, making more engagement etc. Like all I also have the same goal. Now I will give a more definite idea with numbers and also describe the strategy I want to follow for achieving it.

Increasing Hive Power

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Now I have only 77.38 HP. At the end of the program I want to be 200 HP.
How? At the beginning of hive journey, I suffered a lot due to rc power which is related to HP. So I can't post daily .Even I had to wait 6-7 days to make another post.
For this reason 1st month I couldn't make post daily. As rewards comes from post ,so end of 1st month I had very little HP. But 2nd month my hp increased twice than the 1st month. I think if I maintained the quality of my post, day by day my rewards from post will increase. That's mean my HP will increase.


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At this moment, number of comments I did is 239. My target is to take it to 600.

So I have to do 361 comments in 7 weeks. I think it's not big deal. Despite all the obstacles , I could do it insallah. 7 weeks means 49 day's.

So I have to do almost 8 comment per day. It is quite doable. Maybe I can say I could more comment. Yes I can .But I think quality is more important than quantity. I am determined that my comment will be full of quality expressing the true emotion.


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My current Reputation is 56. End of program I want see it 62.
I noticed one thing that the reputation increases by one in two weeks. It was when I can't post with freedom. But now I am free to post anytime. So I think now I can post regularly and my reputation will increase more rapidly. Reputation is important . It shows the entire picture of the account ,a glimpse of account you can say . So increasing reputation is one of the most important target of mine.

Content quality
I think this is the most important thing I have to do ensure . The content I am publishing should be full of quality. That's a thing I can't compromise . My target is in 7 weeks increasing the content quality more and more I can. Thought it will automatically enhance all the works I am doing now. I wish I can add more data based on most accurate sources.I want to add animation. Vlogging is also a good choice. Let's see what I can. Obstacles I will face
Currently my followers is 11. It's too low I know. My target is to make it 50.

The more I will engage will people the more it will increase. On the hand I have to increase the quality and make proper content for proper community.
Obstacles I will face

This is the main obstacle I will face and already facing .I am a University student. Maybe be you know, engineering students have to study a lot. The syllabus is huge . Despite regular class , there are practical classes and there are three practical class. So I got free time very less.
I accept that I am so much lazy. Always I pass the time lying in bed .I don't know how to overcome it but maybe making a goal can irritate it.
Other works
I have three tuitions. So per day 3 hour goes for it. It makes difficult for me to do other works in free time except rest.


I’m thankful to @starstrings01, @projectmamabg,@hive-learners
@theycallmedan, @aliento team

Special thanks to my group leader
Respect for all of them.

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