Adult life (good thing and bad thing)



Adult Life (Good thing & Bad thing)
As a child we all had great plans while growing up about how our adult life would be. Some of us might have gotten that dream life, but circumstances did not allow many others the chance. So, tell us just one thing you love and enjoy about your adult life and one thing you wish you can change if you had the power.

As a child, I had so many dreams about how my adult life should be; in my head, I had drafted all of my plans, including the height I would achieve at various stages of my adult life, plans for my education, calculated the age I would finish high school and the type of job I would like to have, the type of house I would like to live in, and so on; however, life is not always a bed of roses, as the saying goes.

I've always wanted to be a businesswoman, which is why I took commercial classes in college. I want to work in a big company and gain experience before starting my own business because I always see women in business attire attending board meetings drafting out plans to work on a project efficiently and effectively, and the way they speak and carry themselves makes me want to be like them. However, life's circumstances have flipped the script, and I'm still battling to achieve my objectives. because I lost my father when I was young, leaving only my mother to care for us, and then when I finished my second education, I also lost my mother, leaving only me and my three siblings, and things became a little difficult, especially continuing my education into a higher institution, and then I had to look for jobs to save money, which forced me to stay at home for three years.

I had to look for work in order to save money before I could continue my education at a higher institution. So, no matter how life turns out for me, I still have a positive mindset that I will achieve my goals, even if it's not how I had imagined it while growing up, because here I'm still on the track "I'm moving slowly but hello I'm still moving."



One aspect of my adult life that I appreciate.

One aspect of my adult life that I like is my freedom. Having the flexibility to make my own decisions and do things when I want is a dream come true especially when you have a dictator as parents
being independent and taking responsibility for myself, not having to seek permission and approval whenever I want to do something because I am not the one funding them, so now I can make my own decisions and only seek advice, but I will have the final say, so the room is open for support if you want to and not come in and dictate.

One thing I'd like to alter is

If I had the power, I would want for my parents to be wealthy and living so that they could support my education because I feel that if that had been feasible, I would have completed my education,
I would have been running my own business by now. Living the life I have always dreamt of and being that boss lady who has her own business.

Thanks for visiting my blog see you next time🤗 love 💖💞


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