Good morning, everyone.

I want to use this medium to express how glad and happy I am to be back here.
It's been a lot of ups and downs with me over the last few months, and that has made it impossible for me to be active here on hive.
I know my inability to be active online might have brought up some assumptions, such as whether I'm not serious about writing, whether I'm already tired, or whether I'm a lazy fellow, but they're all false. I am not lazy; as a matter of fact, I love writing a lot, and that's why I'm happy to be back because I've actually missed writing.
Here are some clarifications, if at all there happen to be assumptions, and reasons why I have not been active.

After my introductory post, I found out that my phone is misbehaving and not functioning properly, which created a barrier for my inability to reply to comments. Although as of then, it wasn't something really serious, so I thought I could still carry on. It did carry me on; I was still manageably using it until I dropped my second post. That was where everything started. After posting that very day, my phone went off. It was just like when you're being flashed by a torchlight and suddenly it disappears into the tin air; you don't know the source, person, or even what that was, and boom! you'll be in deep imagination trying to figure out what that was. That was exactly the position I was in that day; I kept thinking about what could have possibly happened to the phone I was still using a few minutes ago.
I tried every possible way to revive it, but I later found out that it had finally passed away. So I gave it to a phone engineer to repair, but that took a lot of time.

After I collected it, I happened to fall into another problem, which is school's tight schedules. Since I've been in school, I've never been this uptight as I was last semester. It was a very short semester, and exams were fast approaching. All the lectures and tests were within a month, and the next two months were for exams (January and February), just because of the upcoming election in Nigeria.

Honestly, it was hell—the classes, the reading, texts, assignments, presentations, and all of that in just four weeks. We had to buckle up harder than before because my area of discipline in my school is not meant for the weak.I just finished my last paper for last semester on Monday, and here I am now.
I am very sorry for being away for so long, but it was never my intention. I'm happy I'm back; I'm back for good, and I'm very pleased to meet you all again.

The pictures I used are all mine

Thank u for reading to the end.

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