Silence speaks, feel it; don’t go for noise!

Noise pollution is one such thing which is disturbing our life as well as our ecosystem. Some of the main sources of noise pollution include industrial sectors, vehicles, and loudspeakers. We often notices, people listening to music in high pitch. Going out to market is pretry tough nowadays with people honking their vehicle without any reason. There are many example which we can see un day to day life. Noise pollution can cause stress, which can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. It can also cause hearing impairment, especially for children.

Keeping all the negative effects in loop, our school organise a awareness drive through poster making. And without much delay, I get onto my job.

When it comes to drawing or painting I cannot control my excitement. I have to submit these work tomorrow, so needed to make sure to complete everything today. So I get down to my job soon after breakfast. It is important to know how to define noise pollution. In simple words "any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms are called noise pollution". All living being have certain hearing limit. Any noise or sound beyond that limit is harmful.

In my poster making, I wanted to highlight, the root causes and how to make people aware. So I started my drawing by sketching out the theme in a white sheet of paper. It is kind of blueprint made before giving the final touch. And later let the work flow out as per imagination. Here are all the progress made in making the awareness poster.

My poster primarily focuses on two things. The ear represents the human being, while the green circle at the bottom represents our earth. Noise pollution has been disturbing both of them. And it is important to lcreste awareness about it.

It is upto mankind to prevent noise pollution. Rather than creating the destruction , better pave way for betterment. Hope you like my work.

Learning is Passion!!

Thanks for Stopping @queenart ✋️

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