
What to do and how to do it has been my problem since yesterday and there is no other reason to why i am experiencing this than the topic of the edition 3 prompt, i have observed and try to recollect the last time my right has been trampled on by someone who should have upheld it but no matter what i do, i have no experience in this case and the memories i have of it are faint and they are of someone else...

I thought of skipping this prompt but it will be a big slap on my face and that of my teachers in high school lolz because the topic in discussion is basically related to civic education and government, these two subjects were my favorite back in school and HUMAN RIGHTS is one of my best topic in these subjects and after reconsidering it all, i decided to give it another shot by trying to recollect an event that has to do with trampling on citizens rights...

Without wasting too much time on how i came to find motivation on writing on the absence of right, let me take you on a quick recap on how my friends right was trampled on by those who should have upheld it at all cost...




Rights of citizens don't really matter in my country and there are one million and one evidence that clearly prove this claim of mine to be true, if you want to witness human rights been trampled on, the best place to visit is my country, it is always a pain in my heart whenever i remember how the rights of citizens don't matter to the ones in power...

Power is one of the main factor that allows human right to be trampled on without criticism or legal actions taken, it mostly takes place between ordinary men and those in power and on various occasions i have heard of citizen rights been neglected and trampled on for different reasons...

It pains me when i hear news and stories of human rights being trampled on, funny enough the ones who are suppose to uphold our rights are literally the ones trampling it without any ounce of remorse or regrets, it just shows how heartless and irritating they are...


I am going to list just one example of the people who tramples on human rights as they please, out of 100 percent of these people, i will partially say only about 30 percent of them are deserving and righteous enough to be the face of the country but the remaining 70 percent should be dumped in an unknown land...

The nigerian police are one of the main rule breakers of this country and they are also the one that tramples on the rights of humans the most and i am going to share a friend's experience with you on how he was assaulted publicly by them...

About two years ago before graduating from high school, my friends and i discussed on how we all were going to find a good job that will be able to get us a good phone after few months of working, some of them already have offer waiting for them and it was a relieve that getting job is certain...


We all wanted to get a phone because we didn't want to loose each other's contact along the way, i was already saving up for a phone since 2018 and when i graduated i was having enough money to buy myself a phone but i didn't let them know, the following month we all resumed work in our various working place...

After 3 months of thorough hustling my immediate childhood friend came to me to tell me that he is ready to buy a phone and i should please follow him to buy it, funny enough he wasn't planning on buying an android, he was aiming for IPHONE 6SPLUS, i told him i didn't have an iphone vendor that he should wait a bit longer that i will get back to him...

My friend was so eager to get his UK used iphone that he couldn't wait for long, instead of buying a new android phone with guaranty, he told me has heard and the following week he came to me with an iphone 6splus and i was like wow how much and where did you get it, he said his elder brother went to ikeja to get it for him and i congratulated him, little did i know that he bought from someone in the street lolx...


He started using the phone and it was working fine, he bought all accessories and started big boy, i asked him of the receipt and he said it was with his brother and about two weeks nemesis caught up with him when the police carried him on the way to his work place...

He said he was going to work that faithful afternoon and before he knew it, he was grabbed by the trousers from behind by two policemen and was dragged away without knowing the reason why, he tried to ask questions on what he did wrong and guess what?, he received 2 hot slap and a big punch to the lips and that rendered him silent, he was taken into the truck and he saw his iphone vendor inside that same truck and everything was now clear to him lol...

He realized the phone he bought was a STOLEN PHONE and his seller was an accomplice to the stolen phone and he was arrested because the phone landed on his hand and that made him look like an accomplice also...


Thank God for his boss who saw him from afar being dragged away by the police, he would have spent the night over there lol, he further told me how they immediately added many crimes he didn't commit on him and he ended up crying unknowingly lol...

I couldn't control my laughter upon hearing this but the fact still remains that the policemen were not suppose to assault him publicly because he never showed any sign of resistance but instead they physically assaulted him and called him a thief without concrete evidence...

His right to talk was literally trampled on, his right to defend himself was trampled on too which made the whole process complicated and inappropriate, they violated his human right which was very wrong...


In conclusion, he said his boss came to bail him out that day after showing them the proof that he was also a victim of the whole incident and he wan't an accomplice, he was released but his lips was badly injured and his cheek were brick red lol, he was criticized by me and his parents but most importantly he learnt his lesson of never buying anything from an unknown source...

The policemen really caused him physical damage, he couldn't eat 4 days straight after that heavy punch to the mouth but there was nothing he could do than to go home and get treated well lolz, it is what we call collateral damage lol...

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