Games are played to ease boredom and create a lively and fun moments, games have always been my chill pill for a long time, especially video games, I love video games especially the violent video games..

I find them time consuming, enjoyable, when you play, you let go of all worries and enjoy yourself for that time, playing video games has been my aid, even when I never had video games, I always played normal games on my phone and on other people's phone....

I am professional gamer, for as long as I can remember, I have been a gamer for years now and nothing can separate me from games especially video games...


I spend most of my time playing videogames in a friend's house, there was a time we played FIFA 18 and as a first time player, I kept on playing and I was always trashed by my friend, we continued playing and before I knew it time had gone because I was focused to win and on getting home I was grounded....

I have a list of video games I play and they all get my mind of worries and ease my boredom and they include:

  • FIFA 2021
  • PES 2022

These vide games give me joy especially when you play them with a WIRELESS PAD, you enjoy every bits of it and free yourself to play so that you can enjoy your time..

Even with my love for video games, I don't play more than I should, I make sure it doesn't affect my everyday live, when it's time to play, I play and when it's time to do other chores, I go attend to them ....


I try to stay away from the word ADDICTION❌❌❌


What is bad will always be bad, there is
no other name for it...
Addiction is a bad thing and we have to do away or reduce anything that will lead to us becoming addictive....

When you become a game addict, you will need a very tight handle before you can let go, an addict doesn't know when to stop and when to do other things ...

His focus is too continue playing until that device runs out of power or spoils, there is no joy in becoming a game addict...


Owning to the fact that there are games that pays it players and when money is involved in a game, everyone wants to play and earn continuously irrespective of what they have to sacrifice...

Good, we play the game to earn, there are games that doesn't need more than just a click and some purchase and then you are done for the day and later come and check the result and if you win, you get your pay and If you don't, you keep trying...

When money is earned in games, people don't know when to stop, they want to earn more and they never get satisfied irrespective of how much they earn, they always want to make more and from there addiction starts building up and before you know it, you don't want to do other things than to play the game...


There are times when you don't care of loosing all your earnings because even when you loose, you dont accept it and you still want to play more to earn, is that not addiction???

Being a game addict is a bad thing and it will always be irrespective of the reward, an addict will never accept that he is addicted, you will always have this unquenchable urge to continue playing and when the addiction is too much it affects the emotional stability of a person..

This is called a game and it is not possible to always win, you are bound to loose at some point and it is normal, you don't have to play 24/7 before you get a grip on yourself...


Addiction is bad whether or not money is involved, because addiction can result into different emotional instabilities...

I have a Friend that is addicted to football games, he spends every penny he has on playing, he borrows money from me most times, there was a time he was broke, he had to steal his mum's money to play just because his friend challenged him to duel...

This game doesn't pay him but he rather pays the game with his money, so when addiction is involved it is a bad habit which must be curbed...


As the popular saying goes "The love of money is the root of all evil", you don't have to be an addict to earn, you can play few times and still earn and also have time for other activities in your life ..

There is no crime in playing game but when It becomes addictive it is bad ❌❌

In summary, anything that takes more than 2-3hours of your time daily is bad especially when it comes to video games, when you become addicted to it, you prioritize it over all other things in your life and it will affect your emotional well being... there are different side effects of sitting all-day in front of a screen, sight issues, hallucinations and sluggishness in other activities...


In conclusion, what is bad is bad, money or no money involved, it will not have other name but bad, I have seen other games that pays it players but all your have to do is spend at most an hour on It while some don't even take more just clicks💯💯💯

Money is addictive but with wisdom and understanding, you will learn how to manipulate it to your advantage 💯💯💯..
Be wise and smart...

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