
If there is a particular thing we are very popular for in my country, we are very popular for getting less than what we expected or less than our money's worth, I have been in this particular situation not just once or twice but many times, I have been a victim of this act countless times and every time such thing happens, I end up letting it go and either giving out the product to someone else...

The funniest thing is that most of the time it happened, I had the opportunity to send back the product to get a refund but the stress one needs to go through and also the duration by which the product will be accessed before a refund request is going to be sanctioned is what i can't afford to go through at all, which is why i end up giving out the product away most times to avoid the all these stress...

It hits differently when you order or purchase a particular product online and upon delivery you get something entirely different from what you paid for lol, this kind of situation gets more infuriating and annoying when the order is the last alternative, at the end of the day you end up with a mixed feeling of anger and confusion...


For instance, you have a wedding party to attend next Saturday and after checking out your wardrobes, you figure out all your clothes aren't suitable for such a party and because of this, you place an order online for a short red gown, the order was said to arrive on Friday afternoon, lo and behold the set date arrived and upon delivery, you ended up with what you ordered but it was made from a different and less quality material, in this case one is bound to get extremely furious because the plan to attend the party has been completely altered..

Paying a huge sum of money for a particular product and getting less than what one expected is an unfortunate thing...

Join me as I share one of my most recent experiences of a much for less situation, it is going to be quick and interesting...



I can still remember how the whole event unfolded clearly, it happened many years ago but the feeling is still fresh just like it happened yesterday...

I can still remember clearly the expression my mum and elder sister had that very faithful day lol, I remember how they laughed a bit before sympathizing with me on this case...

This happened some years ago, I was preparing for a family member's wedding, and I needed good footwear to match my outfit for the wedding, I would have gone to a shoemaker to build me a new shoe for the wedding party if time had permitted me but the day was already near and the only alternative i had was ordering online...


Without thinking twice, I placed a footwear order online, and after carefully going through what I ordered, I got a response that it was going to be delivered in two days' time, this was a day before the wedding day...

Lo and behold, the set date came and I got a call from the delivery man telling me my package was available and I should come get it asap, I placed an order for a size 45 brown wingtip shoe, and I dressed up, and went to my pickup location...

I paid on delivery and immediately went home to check what I bought in real life, I got home and unboxed the shoe, the shoe cost #10,000, I saw what I bought and I was very happy at what I saw, I tested it out and saw a little difference but it was still manageable...


I was all ready to go, all preparation had been made and the only thing left was to wait for the next day and then bounce to the wedding hall looking all smart and neat...

The next day arrived and guess what??, I was dressed up like a king going to pick up his bride, we got to the venue, danced, ate, and prepared to go home...

I was about to leave the hall with my siblings when I felt one of my shoes was higher than the other, it felt like I was limping and then I suddenly decided to check my shoes, upon checking my shoes, I found out that one of the shoes had lost a sole and an hill...


I was shocked and stunned but I was happy that the party had ended before all this shit happened, I searched for the worn-out sole and took it home, I didn't even bother contacting the company where I ordered it from, I took it to my shoemaker immediately and told him to get it repaired for me...

In summary, after a week the shoes were ready, I told the shoemaker to change the two soles of the shoes and on my way back, I gave the shoes out to a younger cousin of mine who shared the same shoe size as mine...

In conclusion, I was pissed when I saw one of my shoes had lost a sole but I was happy the whole event ended before the whole shit happened, I was not able to get the true value of what I bought but when I changed the two soles of shoes which cost quite a lot, i realized how good it would have been if had gotten the same wingtip shoes made from my shoemaker instead, rather than buying online and not getting my money's worth, i vowed to never repeat such mistake...

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