
When it comes to nicknames and pet names, I think I should be amongst those set of people who have several nicknames due to the kind of people I grew up with and also the kind of environment I found myself in while growing up…

I have met a lot of people in the last two decades of my life and due to my exceptional personality and character, I have been blessed, wait should I say blessed or given🤔😂??, I think given is the right word to use hehe because not all the nicknames I got since my childhood made me happy at first but later on, I started loving the sound of it as I hear it more often…

Thanks to my mum’s occupation years ago as a famous hairdresser/stylist, i was born into that occupation and for that reason, i have been very popular since birth, i have gotten several nicknames from my mum’s customers because of one trait, personality or character I possess, even if most of those nicknames sound bullying and funny, I came to love it at some point since it now sounds funny to me as I now know the meaning…


When it comes to nicknames, I don’t just have one, two, or three nicknames, i have about four to five nicknames, these nicknames were given to me by different people from different places, I got one from a street aunt, I got one about two from the neoxian city, I got one from mum’s customer as a child and lastly I got one from my friends in school…

I just can’t help but remember all the nicknames I have gotten right from my childhood up until now, funny enough when I get called by these nicknames now, I still answer to them because they are now part of me and people don’t want to stick with my real nickname, they just want to call me the nickname they have known right from the onset and I love it that way hehe, different people different nicknames, kinda cute 🥰…

Here is a list of all the nicknames I have, starting from my childhood up until now because I am still being called by all in several places, baba dudu, black panther, handsum, fox, and foxy…


These are my nicknames, mum’s customers call me baba dudu(black man), my classmates call me black panther, street families call me handsum, and lastly, my friends from the city of neoxian call me fox/foxy but I actually fell in love with foxy when @hopestylist started calling me that, she was literally the first person that made the name stuck and also made it sound beautiful…

I didn’t just wake up one day and started calling myself these nicknames, I got these nicknames from all these sets of people for several reasons which I will explain to you all in the next paragraphs…

I was given baba dudu because out of all the kids my parents had, I was the only black sheep in the family, my mum was chocolate in color, my dad was fair, my sister was fair and my elder brother was also light-skinned, I alone was the only dark-skinned child and that was how my mum’s customers started calling me that until I grew off age, funny right?, don’t laugh 😂…


my classmates gave me black panther because when the movie black panther came out those years ago, I was literally the one who told everyone about the movie, I explained my favorite scene to them while demonstrating every bit of it and after everything, they started calling me black panther since it was my favorite movie then…

I got handsum from a street aunt many years ago, it was on a Saturday evening, I had been indoors all morning washing my dirty clothes, and after washing, I spread them out to dry since I plan to dress out in the evening, I took my bathe when I finished washing and by evening my clothes were already dry, i dressed up beautifully in one of them, wore a nice body spray and perfume, the first step I took out of the gate brought me in front of her directly, I couldn’t run back because she had seen me😀…

Our eyes clicked and she started teasing and the funny me started opening my white teeth to her, I was smiling from mouth to ears, i eventually ran away but she made sure she gave me that name before I left that day; handsum because she thought I wanted to go see a girl which was actually an accurate guess by the way, hehe 😉…


Lastly, fox and foxy is a nickname I found and designed for myself when I joined the neoxian city, I joined the neoxian city and I was seeing several names like bee, eagle, mango juice, kat, meatless lion, and so on, so desperate to also find a name for myself and I decided to go with one that I love and that was how I nicknamed myself fox and since then I have been known as foxy or fox in discord servers and partially by my friends offline too…

The honest truth is that I still bear all these nicknames, I love each and every one of these nicknames because they carry a lot of my childhood and adulthood memories and that is why it is kinda hard to forget or let go…

In summary, if I had the chance to change or get rid of these nicknames, I will never take such a chance because I actually love these nicknames the way they are and now they are now something significant to me and I don’t ever want to part with these nicknames because they are now my memories…


In conclusion, at first I never liked some of these nicknames but as time goes on, I started getting attached to them and I was bonding so well with them that in no time, I started loving them like it was my birth name…

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