
I almost decided to give up on this topic honestly, as much as this topic seems pretty interesting and easy, to me it’s quite hard and difficult to talk about, the main reason is that I just hate the smell of hospital, apart from the fact that it is necessary to visit the hospital once in a while for body check-ups and all sort, I as a person just don’t like going to the hospital for any reasons but I just don’t have a choice than to go when sickness hits me…

This is how I feel deep down and I am sure some people share similar thoughts as mine…

Without a doubt, it is necessary to visit the hospital but when visitation gets too much, it starts getting annoying seriously…

I will be thoroughly honest with you all in this post of mine today, when it comes to visiting the hospital, the number of times I have visited the hospital this year is uncountable, this is not a joking matter and to be honest, it isn’t really an interesting thing…


I hate falling sick and that is why I try to take care of myself the very best way I can but falling ill is quite impossible, if not every day, it can be once or twice in 5 years but for me, my visitation to the hospital was for different reasons, the funniest thing about hospitals is that, no matter how small the visitation is, spending money is a must…

Going to the hospital is not actually the problem but imagine being broke and sick, is this a good combination?, oh no it isn’t and this is one of the reasons why I don’t like hospitals and also the delay of patients in hospitals can be very annoying and frustrating but what can we do than to endure all these hardships since we are the ones in need of them, the fact is just that, visiting hospitals is quite inevitable, if not for major issues, it might for minor issues…

The most annoying thing about this is that; I haven’t visited just one hospital this year, I have visited at least two different hospitals and two different laboratory facilities, is this something to be happy about?, I just had to go through with it because good health is a must and it is important and most importantly, health is wealth


Without wasting too much time on my hatred for hospitals headaches, I will be heading directly into what we have for today, join me as I take you on this short and exciting journey of mine…


The last time I visited the hospital was about a month ago and I can remember I went to the hospital for about 7 days because of my sickness…

I had many reasons to visit the hospital, I needed to check my blood group, genotype and lastly because I was sick

I was sick months ago and after using different drugs as prescribed by a nurse who happens to be a close relative of mine, I used those drugs and after I finished it, i wasn’t getting any better, she then told me it was high time I go for a body check-up to know what is actually wrong with me…


I was portraying symptoms of malaria and typhoid, I got the prescribed drugs and drip for it but I still didn’t get better, I went to a lab scan and did a total abdominal scan to know what was wrong, I got my result which was showing malaria, typhoid, ulcer, and mild appendix

We decided to take the result to the hospital for better treatment, I went with my nurse sister and when we got there, were told the result was written by a quack doctor and nothing was making sense, it was very funny 😄 to me honestly, we were directed to go take the same abdominal scan again and that too in a different laboratory facility…

I went again and did that same scan again, I spent another money, and a different result was given again, it was at this moment I and my nurse sister became confused, which one is wrong out of these two results hehe


I took the second result to the Doctor that attended to me in the private hospital, he asked some questions and gave me drugs, these drugs were for another sickness entirely and not the one I treated before coming to the hospital 🏥 lol…

I finished the drugs and wasn’t still getting any better, symptoms kept on persisting and I was forced to go to another hospital where the two results were presented, and guess what again?, those people laughed at the second abdominal test result, they said it was wrong again ah, they asked me to do another one which cost me another money again, I did it and it was also something different again…

I got drips and a drug prescription, the drugs and drips were for kidney infection, I finished the treatment and I was slowly getting better, I couldn’t help but think about the whole thing that unfolded within those two months…


I couldn’t stop going because my health is what I was talking about, it was getting tiring and annoying but I am happy God was in control and now I am getting better…

In summary, I got my genotype and blood group result and also spent money on some small small tests but I give God the glory in the end…

In conclusion, I will be going for another check-up again soon and I believe all will be well and fine…

Don't ever joke with your health, it should be your first priority always because health is indeed wealth…

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