
Learning and understanding the importance of a first aid kit and the uses of a first aid treatment is one of the most important knowledge and skills everyone out there must possess. Knowing the basics of a first aid treatment is one of the many things i learnt and understood many years ago in both my junior years and college years, it was an interesting experience for me…

Nobody is perfect, which means in one way or the other someone is bound to get hurt physically or injured, it might be from an accident or a cut from something sharp, anything at all, and as we all know, first aid treatments are the treatments given to an injured person before the arrival of a medical personnel. Wow, this week’s topic just brought back one of my favorite topics in physical health education, my favorite subjects in both junior year and college years…

The funniest thing about this whole first aid treatment and kit stuff was that we never had a first aid kit in my school, at-least not until my senior years when we forced the school authorities to get us one, the one they got made for us was not really complete, it lacked many important treatments. Treatments like hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and some other basic drugs were not available, what we had in excess were paracetamol, panadol, cotton wool and methylated spirits, it was just so incomplete…

Okay wait, let me burst your bubbles again lol, we don’t even have a first aid kit in my home, this is not a joke oh, we have never had a really major accident for it to be installed, instead we have a pharmacist/chemist who attends to wounds and injuries that are beyond the control of cotton wool and methylated spirits. The truth is that i have only seen a first aid box, some of its equipments, but never personally applied it on an injured person…

I remember one time in high school when one of my junior sustained a major injury, he got his big toe nails removed from a terrible accident, this happened while he was playing football in a stone filled compound, sorry to say, my school compound was the accident scene…

Back then i was the school’s health prefect, the truth is that I would have attended to him to the very best of my knowledge back then, only if we had a complete first aid kit, but because the kit was incomplete we had to take him out of the school to get him treated, and that was how I missed my chance of administering a first aid treatment on an injured person…


I have never administered a first aid treatment to an injured patient before, the only thing i have done is witnessing it being administered, and that was when i went for an inter-house sports competition…

The one I could have administered myself was rendered incomplete because of lack of equipments, the victim was a junior in my high school year, he sustained a severe injury to the toe, he struck his toe nail against a big stone. He was rushed to a nearby pharmacist instead because we couldn’t administer a first aid treatment to him…

It’s pretty interesting to see how a certified medical personnel applies a first aid treatments to a patient, I have always thought administering a first aid treatment to an injured patient was an easy task, only to see how it was handled by a medical personnel and I realized I wouldn’t have been able to do well even if we had a complete kit..

In summary, I realized the administration of a first aid treatment is not for kids, and it takes someone with a deep and strong medical knowledge and background to be able to administer it properly and effectively…

In conclusion, First aid treatments are compulsory treatment for many indoor accidents, which make first aid kits a compulsory treatment for safety…

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