
Challenges and difficulties is one of the most constant problems humans face in life, there is no gender discrimination or exclusion when it comes to the challenges and difficulties of life. To some less privileged people or middle class families out there, money and the ability to live in comfort might be their greatest challenge, while for the rich and average people living out there, good health or one particular disability can be their greatest challenge. This is my way of telling you there is no selection or discrimination in the challenges of life, everyone has one or two demons they are constantly fighting deep within, and the way we handle them matters big time…

Contentment and endurance are one of the basic things I learnt from my parents while growing up, and all my life i have tried to make sure I never live my life outside of those teachings, but life surely do has a way of pushing one to the limit, but guess what I stood strong amidst that adversity…

Taking loans is one of the things i hate most in life. I have zero interest and tolerance towards taking loans, and this is because of the 8 months experience i had while working as a loan collector years ago…

Prior to my acceptance of the loan collector job, i have heard and seen different outcomes of people who collect loans from not just one company but also from about two other micro finance lenders, and when the stipulated time to pay comes, he or she starts running from pillar to post because they can’t pay up just avoid the next line of action. So growing up with this picture in my head, I promised myself to never be a victim of loans, and if by chance it happens, it will surely be an amount i can afford or arrange in a twinkle of the eye…

I worked as a loan collector for good eight months and i know the result of not paying up on time and also the result of trying to abscond with the loan, it is either the police get involved or that persons small scale business or properties get confiscated until payment and interests are paid off…

I witnessed a lot of the above scenarios countless times, and most of the time i am always the one in charge of the confiscation of those goods, and if no payment is made on time, we sell out the goods to cover our money, shikena…

Well, that was just a brief introduction on what i have for you all today, so without further ado, i will diving right into the head of write up on the topic; THE BAD LOAN. Join me on this short and interesting write up of mine…



I have never been a fan of collecting loans, this includes both small and big loans, i hated it for many reasons and one of the reason why I don’t like taking loans is because i see it a threat when it comes to paying up and I still don’t have it. So instead of having someone on my neck disturbing and threatening my peace of mind, I rather endure or find another means to obtain what I needed that loan for…

Even as a student it is rare to see me ask any of my friends for small loans, i only do that when i have no other alternative and i am being pestered or threatened to pay up for something important, and immediately I collect the money from him or her, i don’t go back on my word on the date to pay back, and this is because i don’t like debts and loan’s hovering around my head, i hate being called out on irrelevant stuffs like loans…

If it’s get to tough to handle on my own, I will run to my favorite teacher and explain to him or her, and most of the time they never failed to help me, and that has been my escape route throughout high school…


I have never had any major regrettable experience with loans but when it comes to settling loan disputes, i am always amongst the judges they bring the case to, and even when it ends well most of the time from me as a judge, the involved parties never become involved in such dealings again…

Now tell me who in his or her right frame of mind would want to be a victim of mass settlement over small and petty loans, so most of the time it is always me collecting loans from those who collected from me in the past and refused to pay back. This is my way of getting back my money…

In summary, I have learnt a lot of lessons while acting as a mediator between two parties having loan disputes, and one of those lessons is to never rely on the promises of some lender, always have a back up at all times or else one would be put to public shame…

In conclusion, Loans has never been my thing and i have never stopped praying to God for to never be a bad loan victim, and so far so good it’s been great…

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