Emoji And Stickers In My Chats


Hello friends, all greetings to all of us who are in this beloved community. On this evening I would like to present my article again with all my friends in the second edition in the 49th week for the Hive Learners community contest. On this occasion I would like to discuss the title of the theme that has been displayed by the community regarding chat via social media.

In this day and age, it is common to chat via social media, both among teenagers and adults. By using chat with social media, of course, this also makes it very easy for someone who wants to ask something or wants to discuss something with people who are far away. So in my opinion, with the birth of social media where we can chat with other people remotely, of course this is a useful thing for everyone who uses it.

For myself, there are also several chat applications in the media that I use, such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. These three applications are also commonly used by people in Aceh. In conducting chats on the media, there are lots of emoji or stickers that are used when they chat. Of course, there are stickers or emojis on chat media that are very funny and some are sad, but for me this is very exciting if we use stickers or emoji when we chat with friends.

In the past, when I was little, usually everyone, when they wanted to chat with friends who were far away, they would send normal messages on smartphones, with the birth of several chat applications on social media, it also made it very easy for all friends to chat with friends. -guys. I often use stickers When I chat with my friends on social media, apart from using stickers, I often use the emojis available on the social media that I use. But for gifs I don't use it too often because for me it's better to use emojis and stickers.

Likewise, when I watch live broadcasts on Facebook or Instagram which are broadcast by my friends, of course when I'm watching them broadcast live, sometimes I also make comments by writing words and at the end of the words I make stickers or emojis. the cutest one on my smartphone. Right now I am sending sticker stickers to encourage friends who are doing live broadcasts. In my opinion, emoji and stickers are two common images used in chat media. Because every emoji in a medium is also very similar to someone's expressions. For example, when we laugh at our friend's settings, of course we will send a laughing emoji. And our friend who received the setting from us can imagine the facial expression of the emoji like the look on our face when we laugh.

Sending stickers in chat media also has lots of the latest stickers edited by people. My friend even edited my photo into a funny sticker and when I chat with him when there are funny things, of course he will send my picture sticker. When I saw the sticker I also laughed because it was very funny with the edits that the rice fields had made.

I would like to thank all of my friends who have read my article tonight and hopefully with the article that I have published it becomes a writing that can entertain all of us and become useful writing when we read it. In the previous editions I did not feature my articles because the conditions at that time were not good because my relative was sick and I had to look after him at the Minang care facility in a health center closest to our hometown. On this occasion I have been able to display my articles again and hopefully in the future I will also be able to display all of them together. I thank you profusely to all my friends who have read and given me support in participating in the existing contest.

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