Eligible Or Not Eligible To Be Accepted


Good evening all friends wherever you are, greetings to all of us in the Hive Learners community, I hope that on this happy night we are still doing well. In the third edition this week, the community has also determined a theme that is quite interesting for us to discuss about not being worthy of receiving something from other people. Very good theme that has been published by the community and I try to write about the theme according to my opinion.

Sometimes in this life there are people who deserve to receive something given by others and sometimes there are those who do not deserve gifts from others because they also have everything. As we know, life in rural areas is of course still a lot of poor communities and we can say that people in villages are people who deserve something if it is given by someone else.

Now here I will discuss what if I am someone who does not deserve to receive something from other people but there are other people who give something to me. Actually, when I discuss this, of course I also have to think more deeply about my feelings because until now I think I still belong to those people who deserve to get something from other people. My current position is in the middle to lower class society. Of course, people who are still classified as middle to lower class are people who have to work hard to survive and to make ends meet. From one side, when I feel this, I can say that I am a person who deserves to receive something given by other people if these people are the ones who have everything.


But if we want to discuss according to a predetermined theme, that is, if I am a person who does not have the right to receive something from other people. Of course, if it's like that, I will be happy to face people who want to give something to me, but I also have to tell that person that what he loves for me and there are other people who are more deserving of it. In stringing words to tell people who want to give something to me, I have to put together perfect words so that person won't be disappointed with me and I also always want to put together words to be able to make good people want to give something. to me it's more fun and think I'm also a good person like him. I also say thousands of thanks if someone tries to give something to me even though I can't accept it and I will ask that person to be able to give it to other people who are more deserving of it. In this life sometimes there are as I said above, namely people who are kind and always look up to others and want to give what they can to others. Of course people like this are people who have a sincere heart to help others without any reward. In the village where I live, sometimes there are people who give something to me and I also accept gifts from them because my current position is the right position to receive gifts from other people. But if I become a person who gives something to other people, of course I also have to see whether they deserve to receive something or not. Because there are still a lot of people in our area who we can say are poor people and these people also really need help from other people.

As we can see nowadays, sometimes the government also provides a lot of assistance to the poor or to people who deserve it. And my hope is that when the government wants to provide assistance, of course it has to check more deeply whether the person is entitled to receive assistance or not. Because there are still many poor people who do not get anything from the government.

Thank you very much to friends who have read my article tonight and hopefully by writing this article from me it can be useful for all of us. thanks to the community and other friends in the community and also to other blogger friends. That's all and thank you.

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