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Overcoming Depression in Life's Challenges

"Not all the smiles are real they can be planted to make you happy"

Greetings to everyone, Today I want to share with you entry post to Weekly Featured Contents in Hive Learners today's topic is "Depression is real." I will share with you about my depression and How i get out and what was my experience. Hope you will like it.


Unemployment has cast a shadow of uncertainty over my future, along with family problems that have broken relationships and destroyed my sense of belonging. Unemployment combined with a lack of specialized skills left me with a sense of inadequacy. My physical disability added another layer, making even the simplest tasks seem overwhelming. As the financial crisis worsened, every day became a battle against depression. Reason for my depression was not money or anything it was my family who didn't have any trust in me. and it had lot's of impact on me. Hope faded like a distant memory.

Battle with depression:-
Getting out of this darkness is a bit complicated but not impossible. I am still involved in all the problems. But I am not in depression now. What helped me the most was my willpower. Also, I make myself busy with work it can be anything just making myself busy so that I can't have time to think about my problems. It works very well.

But it will be good if you have someone to share your thoughts you can talk to him freely but it has to be someone trusted who will help you in this situation.

What i learned:-
First learn at least one skill that can help you in your bad times second you have to work on stable financial support. why I am telling those because most of the time you get problems not having stable finance. and final make your willpower strong and don't do what other people say to do things you think right.

Everything I said is my thought everyone has his own problem and it can be different situation. Just don't give up you will find your way to live.

That's it for today! You made it to the end of this post. I appreciate your time and attention. Hope you like it.

Thank you so much! See you around!

All content are mine unless otherwise noted
[Translator:- Google Translate]