Creative Sunday - The Paddington story

Hello! I'm glad I can surprise you again with something interesting made by my hands! Ever since my son was born he has been fascinated by this cartoon character and his adventures! For this reason I also decided to make him happy. I bought some yarn, started crocheting and as it often happens with small children - he doesn't like this movie anymore or doesn't enjoy it as much as he did a few months ago. He had established a routine, at 8:45 PM to 9:20 he watches 2 movies and falls asleep - it was a good few months, then sleep became a mirage.

Still, I figured since he didn't want it I would do it anyway for my pleasure.

I started by making the feet. Make one leg, cut the yarn, make a second leg and continue to crochet in the round incorporating the first leg.


In this way the body of the bear is built. But it doesn't all end like that. After making the body, continue with the head by weaving a ball. Finish by sewing the last few stitches and covering the knot and the remaining yarn for sewing.


Wonderful! I already have a body, even now with no hands. I decided I wanted to start with the accessories because they looked a bit more colorful and enticing. I started with his iconic hat.


After the hat, I tackled his blue coat. It turned out to be quite interesting from a crochet perspective. I wasn't sure it would turn out exactly right, but apparently I was the only one who doubted it.


The arms are made the same way as the legs, but not filled with stuffing as much, the goal is to keep them flexible so the bear can get dressed.

Without forgetting the ears, what bear is without ears or a snout?


I sewed all the items.


I had to check that everything was okay with it, so I put it on even before I cleaned and sewed the last stitches.


I think it turned out pretty well!

I sewed the last few stitches on the head and hid the knot.

I sewed the front parts of the coat together, because it turned out that I didn't have the right buttons. My dear Paddington was also left without eyes this time - the safety eyes I had were the size of half his face.

Here he is in all his glory. To give you an idea of his size he's slightly smaller than a lollipop :)

Thanks for stopping by my article! Have a great week!

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