A new toy for a little man

Can you guess what it is? Yes at first glance it looks like a toy cat, but is it just that?

A few days ago we received a parcel with gifts. In a hurry to see what was in the two boxes, we started taking out the items one by one. Of course my son was helping until he saw this cat.

He was so excited because when we play animals with him, he keeps introducing himself as a cat. He quickly picked up the toy and noticed a bump on its back. He handed it to me to turn it on. It even had batteries in it and it instantly worked!

To my surprise it turned out to be a child's vacuum cleaner!

I said to myself - yes there will be something to play with, it won't pick anything up either, but it turns out it has power and can pick up dust and small items without a problem as long as they can pass through its "mouth".

The little one is happy and no longer sits down to eat without it. He takes a bite - releases a crumb and gives it to the cat to eat.

As funny and amusing as it sounds it works!

As a tip I can give you - buy your kids a baby vacuum cleaner so you can have at least 15 minutes where no one is pulling or prying in every room!

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