My Cheap and Expensive Foods.

Last Saturday, I ate what I would consider expensive food, though I didn't buy the other two. I am staying with a family friend here in Ibadan pending the time I would be through with what I came for and she has been entertaining me to the brim. First of all, I bought and cooked Indomie as there was no egg with a drink (Maltina) to complement it, after about an hour of finishing that, the friend came home with Jollof rice and chicken with pepper soup and meats in it. She said all are for me but I should only take 2 meats from the pepper soup while I leave the rest for her. The glutton in me decided to finish all in one sitting not minding what I had eaten before. I finished all, though couldn't eat the last meat from the pepper soup, I became overfilled and the outcome is for me to keep visiting the toilet even up till now. I am afraid of stepping out of the house 😀


Food is life. Food is good for the body as we know. Without food, we cannot perform any activity because there is a proverb that says words cannot be listened to when a fellow is hungry. Imagine advising or talking to me when the worms in my stomach are pinching me, disturbing me to feed them and you expect me to listen to you, just know as the words are coming through the right ear, they will fly away through the left ear unless I devour a bowl of meal.

The only obstacles to not eating good food are when one is not buoyant or sick. The only cheap food for a sick person is pap/custard which can still be manageable and when one does not have money, he or she goes for the cheapest meal ever. When I was in school, there were many times I went for the cheapest food like eating bread #200 and groundnut #50, roasted plantain and the only thing was to keep drinking water until I was satisfied. Another cheap food is when I buy #200 potatoes with #100 eggs and since I have the ingredients to prepare it, I am good to go. There was a time I prepared okro soup with just #150 without adding meat or fish in it, just crayfish and went to beg for a swallow from a friend to prepare something so I don't die of hunger.



Sometimes, what makes me go for the cheaper foods is either I don't have money or that I am too lazy to cook something but whenever I am in the mood, I don't mind spending the last card on me. My sister would tell me to eat good food because life has no duplicate. This is something I always remember that will make me spend expensively on food even if I have to finish all in one sitting. The most expensive food I have eaten was buying 2 kilos of chicken, making a stew with it and eating it all with a bottle of Maltina. That day, as I was eating, I said to myself "Life is sweeter than suffering, let me eat this one first" 😆😆 When I have enough money and am not too lazy to cook, I treat myself to an expensive meal that I will eat all at once and in most cases, I will order for food since I have some contacts of different restaurants with me.


I love eating good food and do not care if I have to spend everything on myself because I always remember that life is short and you should enjoy yourself now so that you won't regret it, some other days, I go for the cheapest food like bread and Indomie, concoction rice with no meat/egg/fish and my mantra would be "as long as I am filled up, to hell with those proteins in it, who would know or see me when I am eating food without meat or fish on it?" This is how I calm myself down instead of comparing myself with others who never tasted cheap food in their life because of their background. Yeah, hope you know there are people like that.

So, eating expensive food depends on what you have in your account but when you do not have it, just eat whatever you see while hoping that the next day will be better. Someone who eats indomie without eggs today might live to eat more than that tomorrow.

All images are mine

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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