My last Hospital experience

Hospital is not a forbidden place to go nor is it a bad place to visit but the fear of hearing what is really going on makes some people stay away from the hospital, while the high bill is the reason why some don't even like going to the hospital.

When I saw this prompt I couldn't think of when last I have been to the hospital because I don't fall sick, I barely get sick in a year and my sickness never passes malaria.

The image was designed by me on canva.

Another reason why I don't go to the hospital is because my body is used to herbs, I was raised with it and it always worked for me. I don't know about my childhood, especially the parts I don't remember but as an adult, I have never been admitted to the hospital which I don't pray for because the smell in the hospital alone can make me sick even if I am not sick.

The only time I was in the hospital was when I was a kid, I was about 12 years old. I came back from school very hungry and by the time I got home my mom didn't cook anything for us (I and my siblings) and because of the hunger, I fell sick.

My temperature was so high and I was having a bang on my head as if my head was going to burst that day. When my mom came back from the market she met me on the bed so she wanted to wake me up that was how she noticed the high temperature of mine, the cold was catching me as well so she thought it was something serious.

She took me to the hospital because she was scared that I might die and when we got to the hospital, one nurse brought a thermometer to check my temperature. I was laughing within me because I knew that I wasn't sick lol naughty right? I know I was a little bit wicked to my mom when I was little.

I was sweating, and hot, and I was feeling cold from the inside which makes my body shake as if I was truly sick. When the nurse left to bring something else which I don't know, I guess she went to bring an injection and I hate that so much.

I quickly open up to my mom and said, "Mom please don't take a card or anything for me, all I need is food" My mom looked at me as if she should slap my spirit out of my body because of the way I was shaking and still I didn't accept that I am sick.

She likes to slap a lot, definition of a Nigerian mother.

I repeated that statement, and then she turned to me and ask, "Are you sure?" I replied, "Yes" she replied again, "Because it's not like I have the money to pay for the treatment but if you eat and get better now we won't have to pay bills here" I looked at her with a smile on my face then said, "Mom it's food that I need don't waste your money".

Before the nurse came back my mom went outside to get snacks and Fanta for me, which she wouldn't buy on a normal day but let me enjoy my sick mood lol that was my thought that day. And while I was eating the nurse came back from God knows where with an injection and my mom told her to let me finish my food and rest.

After some minutes everything went down and my temperature was back to normal as if nothing happened to me. My mom couldn't believe that scene because she could have paid thousands of naira for treatment meanwhile all I need was just food.

She quickly grab my hands and we left meanwhile the nurse was just looking at her that she was not serious about her child's life. When we got home she ran inside the kitchen to prepare food for all of us so that none of us will fall sick because of food again.

Ever since there I never step my foot into the hospital for treatment unless I want to greet someone who is sick and it was only once when my elder sister was down with a serious typhoid. Immediately I stepped into the hospital I throw up because of the smell so going to the hospital is not my thing and it will never be by God's grace.

Thanks for reading.

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