Home-cooked meals or patronize better fast food

One thing I have learned so far from my sister when I was living with her was never to be lazy when it comes to cooking. Aside from my sister, I was raised to be a fan of cooking because my mom always tells me that my dad doesn't like second-day food, so she practically cooked every day.

She also told me to get used to it in case I ended up with someone like my dad, and of course, she was right about that; I literally ended up marrying someone like my dad.

I know cooking can be stressful, but I don't mind going through the stress of having my food cooked rather than ordering food outside.

I know some people wouldn't believe what I am about to say, but it's nothing but the truth. I have never thought of ordering food before, and I don't think I will ever do so because I love homemade food.

The images are mine and it was designed on Canva by me.

Speaking of being busy to cook, it's never a thing I can't deal with because I have worked in a factory that doesn't give people time to care for themselves, and despite that, I have never bought food outside. Instead, I made sure to wake up as early as possible to prepare my food so that I wouldn't starve at work.

Some years ago, when I was working in the factory, I always woke up by 4 a.m. to prepare the food I would take to work. I got to work that day, and when it was break time, I rushed down to the changing room to eat because that was where we normally eat. Then I saw my colleagues who were starving, so I asked why they didn't buy food at the factory canteen.

They said the canteen didn't have food anymore. One of them asked where I got food from, and I told her I brought it from home. They all laughed because they didn't believe me, so I told them I had never entered the factory canteen before because I always brought my food from home.

They were surprised because we had to resume work at 7 a.m., and yet I still found time to cook. Well, I was raised that way.

Now that I have my business, nothing would stop me from cooking my food before living in the house.

During the holidays, I don't always have time to cook, so instead of patronizing fast food, I would rather buy soft drinks to hold myself until I get home. This has been my way of sustaining energy until I get home.

I don't really like buying anything aside from pet drinks outside; lately, I have been trying to avoid buying pet drinks as well because of the way people are posting fake drinks online.

So to answer the question, if I ever cook myself, yes, I do the cooking myself without getting tired of it. I don't patronize fast food, and I never will. Even though it is affordable, easier, and fast to get, I still won't patronize fast food for anything.

My work is not flexible at all, but still, I would rather cook from home than order food. The main reason is that if I cook at home, I am more sure of what I am eating than if I don't know how it was cooked. My health matters a lot a lot to me, and that is what makes me rely more on my home-cooked meals alone.

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