A simple delight for Creative-Sunday

Hello everyone welcome to HL community Creative-Sunday, where you can show your recipe and of course, get to learn how to cook delicious meals from different people as well.

It's been a while since I posted Creative-Sunday last because I was busy offline and I couldn't get to cook on Sundays, but today I am very much less busy so I decided to make cookies for my Creative-Sunday.

Ingredients are:

Butter (2 tablespoons)
Flour (1 cup)
Sugar (2 tablespoons)


I never knew cookie ingredients are this few until I checked out how to make it online, even after watching the video I still didn't believe that was all the ingredients until I tried it because some people don't show all their recipes in their content and when you tried making the same thing it won't come out exactly like you wanted.

But this one came out so beautifully, yummy and of course crunchy, so let's get into the kitchen and see how I made my crunchy cookies.

I poured the flour inside a siever because some flour always has dirt inside so that was why I sieve it to be on the safer side that what I am about to consume is safe.

After that, I added two tablespoons of sugar because the flour measurement will determine the ingredients I will add.

Lastly, I added two tablespoons of butter into the mixture as well so that it would be very soft and crunchy.

I washed my hands because I will be using my hand to mix it since I don't have a mixer to mix it.

After mixing it well, it forms a dough which I will be working on hehe 😁

So I put the frying pan on the burner and allowed it to get hot without adding anything inside. Then I started to cut the dough into smaller pieces then put it inside the hot frying pan.

I made use of plastic forks to make a design on it, after putting all the dough inside the frying pan, I reduced the heat and left it for two minutes.

After that, I turned it to the other side, and then left it for another two minutes.

And now my cookies are ready to be served with a chilled drink.

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