
Nate was a final year student who had just been transferred to a new school when he met Ruth or rather, when Ruth met him. You see, although he was in his final year in high school, Nate had the confidence of a fifth grader when it came to the things that involved the opposite sex. His friends had always wondered how a guy as shy as him had managed to date two girls in the past but even them knew the truth, Nate didn’t woo the girls, it was the other way around.

Ruth had seen Nate and liked him and she had been very outspoken to Nate about her feelings towards him. Nate liked her too and had played along. He so much wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend officially but his shyness just wouldn’t let him so he decided to just play along even though he had no idea if they both were dating or just friends with benefit, the benefit being the little kisses he got from her every now and then.

The both of them enjoyed being together and even though Ruth’s mom was some sort of a thorn on their flesh and was doing everything to break them up, they still held on to each other. Ruth’s mom worked at the school as a teacher so she almost always was around to steal her daughter away from not just Nate, but any other male predator who saw her daughter as their prey.

Even Ruth’s father had one time almost attacked Nate and his friend one evening while they both escorted Ruth back home, he had been so lucky to escape that day. One would think all of that would make Nate leave her, but he held on because he believed their love was strong enough to withstand anything.

Their final exam came and past and they still remained together until one night when Nate had gotten off the phone with Ruth. He couldn’t help but notice something was off and when he asked her what was wrong over the phone, she had told him everything was fine.

Ten minutes after the call, a text message popped into Nate’s phone, it was a text from Ruth. He had quickly opened the text, thinking it was a beautiful goodnight text but what he saw broke his heart.

Ruth never truly loved him completely. She was only using him to get over her ex who she recently broke up with, but now they were back together and she wanted nothing more to do with Nate.

Nate’s eyes became blurry as tears gathered in his eyes. He tried calling her but every time the phone rang, he would heard an automated voice telling him the person he was trying to call was busy which only meant one thing, she was ignoring his calls.

That night was probably the worse night for Nate but he knew he had to move on no matter how hard it was and he just did that.


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