One step forward, two steps backward

Photo by Alois Komenda

About a week ago, I was having a discussion with one of my bros and he had told me that one of his new years resolution is to stop sport betting. He said he had done a little maths the other day and realized that the amount of money he had lost to sport betting last year, was way more than he had won. So to him, what that simply meant was that he had won nothing through out last year, instead he had just been give back part of his money.

I could feel the regret in his voice as he said all of this and earlier today, I felt the same regret in someone else's voice.

If you've ever tried sport betting before, then you know the best days to place a bet are Saturdays and Sundays because these are the days where the most matches are played. It turned out this particular student had had the genius plan to somehow put his house rent into sport betting with the hopes of doubling his money.

According to his roommate who explained the whole thing to me (because the guy himself couldn't even find his voice to explain), he said his roommates parents had given him the sum of seventy thousand naira for him to use in paying for his hostel and he had gone ahead to place it in sport betting in other to double it.

Unfortunately, the outcome of the game didn't come out in his favor and now he has nothing. It was a very sad story yet I felt no pity for him because he had done all of that from his free will.

Whenever I hear of stories like this, I thank my stars that I stopped sport betting a while ago because this would have been me crying my eyes out. The truth is, nothing goods comes out of gambling because it always has a way of taking times two of whatever it gives to you and I don't know about you guys but one step forward and two steps backward is not the way I ever want to live my life, ever.

I wonder how the dude will get seventy thousand naira within the space of a few days because yesterday, everyone at our hostel were given the ultimatum of this weekend to pay their rent or they will be kicked out of the hostel by security operatives.

Anyways, I wish him luck and hopes he finds a way to solve this problem he created himself.

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