Mother’s Day


Good morning guys, so early this morning I got this alert on my phone that reminded me about tomorrow being Mother’s Day here in Nigeria. I said here in Nigeria because I honestly don’t know if it’s the same everywhere else (I didn’t wait to find out before jumping on here to write this post Lol).

Now I’ve heard a couple of my friends ask this question before and today I’m going to ask the same thing, why are there so many celebrations of Mother’s Day in a year and so little Father’s Day?

Like I said, I haven’t really done any research on this topic but I know for a fact Father’s Day celebration isn’t probably up to five times in a year, unlike Mother’s Day that being celebrated almost every Sunday. And don’t get me wrong, this isn’t me hating or anything, this is just simply coming from a future dad who’s wondering why the world feels mother’s has to be celebrated much more than father’s.

And I get it, I get that mother’s are very important to the world. They helped raise me and you most times when dad was out there hustling and trying to make sure that he didn’t come back home empty handed. All of that deserves all of the celebration in the world but so does our fathers. Like if you compare how many Mother’s Day there is to that of the Father’s Day, it probably looks like someone just said “eh let’s just fix the father’s somewhere to just compensate them” Lol 😂

Like I said, I’m not hating on anyone or anything, I’m just honestly trying to make sense of the whole thing and trying to understand why things are the way they are. So if anyone of you happen to have an explanation for me, please say them in the comment section below.

And before I forget, Happy Mother’s Day to the beautiful and amazing mother’s we have out there. We value all of your love and care and God bless you all.

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